Sickness with girls but not with boys....


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Anyone heard this or experienced this?

My mum had 6 children and with us 4 girls she was very sick all the way through and couldn't keep food down, but with my 2 brothers she was right as rain from start to finish.

With my last 2 pregnancies, that I lost, I was really poorly.... but I've been fine and dandy with this one.

I've had numerous blood tests and 2 scans and even more home tests and all seems okay. I'm worried that not being ill is a bad sign. BUT maybe this is a little boy and my mum's trend is hereditary????
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I have a ds and I was dreadfully nauseous for 15 weeks when pregnant with him. I am now 7 weeks and feel even more nauseous and dizzy this pregnancy?? My sis has a boy and a girl and was sick with both??

Don't worry about not feeling poorly just enjoy your food and not feeling blahhh xx
I've not bern sick At all!! Well once j was but that was either to ago soup or a anaesthetic dentist gave me making me sick. Baba has a heartbeat and all is fine as long as I know. My mum was only sick once with me and get Sge was sick loads with my brother

We're the people that other ladies are jealous of lol ... We glow and don't puke lol were lucky.
With o I had about 2 weeks on off feeling sick. With this bubba def a little longer and even wretched a few times but was never fully sick x

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
My mum had 4 boys and 1 girl. With the boys, she was so ill and vomited for months and couldn't keep anything down. With me she didn't vomit one, just had nausea.
When I was pregnant with DD, I was incredibly ill. I vomited for 17wks :( this time I haven't vomited (yet!) But I do have nausea. Although its still early days so anything could still happen x

Tapatalking from my blackberry!
i have two girls and have been different with both...i just think every pregnancy is different try not to worry bout symptoms sounds like your one of the lucky ones i have had just bouts of nausea an tender boobs this time lol xx
tri hopping..Im having a boy was sick daily from BFP all the way through to 17 weeks, it then stopped but has now returned at 27 weeks :( hope its not here for the time i have left lol x
I had a girl and had no sickness at all xx

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I was sick all the way through with my little boy, but this time is definitely worse! I feel nauseous constantly, and when I'm sick I can't stop :( but we'll see... Only 8 more weeks til my 20 week scan lol >.<

I've got 1 boy 2 girls never had sickness this time I felt so ill I ended up on sickness tablets :/
My first pregnancy was a boy and I was sick off and on from 6 weeks through to 16 weeks. This pregnancy I have been nauseous every day all day from week 6 through till now. I am still nauseous but not quite as bad and I am sick three times a day but only when my tummy is empty, my first pregnancy I was sick after each meal and lost lots of weight.

I don't think it's the gender that makes you sick or not it's just how your body reacts to the hormones. My mum was sick with both her boys and with me, but more with me. My mother in law was fine with her boys but very sick all the way through with her girl.
Hi! Just thought if give some input. Iv got 2 little boys 3 and 6 months and I'm pregnant again. With my first two boys I was sick everyday throughout the entire pregnancy...

This time I'm feeling sick most days but not actually bring sick. I am a lot more tired this pregnancy though xx
I had no sickness with my little girl but this time i've felt nauseous from about week 5.
Every pregnancy is different. I'm 37 weeks now and I'm having a boy and I've had a great pregnancy up until now. I suffered the occasional heartburn but that was all other than that I've had no problems until I got to the third trimester where I'm suffering terrible with heartburn all the time even to the point its wakin me up at nite, my ankles, feet and fingers have swollen up and ache all the time. I feel so drained and literally exhausted. I'm goin to the loo every 5 mins to pee and I've now got haemorrhoids which are sore and irritating even though I've not been constipated. I'm having a rough time at the mo and just really want him out now as I'm constantly aching, sore and uncomfortable. So I don't think it matters really what gender your baby is. I think its just how pregnancy is xx
I agree with you. Luckily you don't have long until you get to meet him
I think your best going by your family traits. I was sick with my son and so was my sister with hers, we both didn't put much weight on with the boys but with her girl she blew up lol.
even though i have seen it on the nhs website i still feel it must be a myth. my bfs mum has two boys and was reaaalllly sick both times. ive been ridiculously sick, but am hoping for a boy! x
Think I spoke too soon. Been really sick the last two days.

I have a bad headache though, so it might be that.

Plus the nerves for my scan today!
My friend had a girl and she wasn't sick at all. Barely any symptoms at all! She though she was having or easy until her 34hr birth lol

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