sickness (update) 7th July BFP


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2005
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hi all when does this feeling of wanting to be sick go away i can't seem to eat anything with out getting this feeling and i'm really hungry, i don't even know yet if i am pregnant due tomorrow AF but can't eat just thought someone might know how long it might last thanx :?
If you are pregnant it could last for 9 months sorry!!
Great thanx i'm gonna startve to death :cry: wot can i eat that doesn't make you feel sick any ideas :?:
Well all I can suggest from my experience is weetabix, plain hula hoops and ginger cake, hope this works for you!!

If it's any consolation I've felt like this all day yesterday and today with a pounding headache too!!
i feel so sorry for anyone going through this its really nasty, you wanna eat but you can't :cry: i have some weetabix so i'll give those a try thanx :lol:
I agree with the hula hoops thing

Though I can eat them in any flavour!

yum yum

they always manage to go down.

Would like to add though, that I have just gone past 10 weeks and my nausea is definitely subsiding. The last time I actually felt like I might be sick was saturday morning. Normally it comes every two hours for me.

I too got the pounding headache this weekend. A quick call to the maternity ward ta my hospital confirmed what I could take two paracetamols. What a relief.

Its all due to the climbing hormone levels I'm afraid, but, despite my headache yesterday, I am enjoying not feeling sick all the time, so it does end for lots of women. I am counting myself very lucky. My mum was sick for the whole nine months with me.

well thanx for the info ..... still no AF but BFN on clear blue maybe i'm just gonna be late :cry:

still no AF but feeling really sick not been sick yet but feels likr i wanna be most of the time, bloated still, vaginal thrush nearly cleared up now, tired most of the time, eating is a real problem first i don't feel like eating so have nothing, then at night for about an hour i can't stop eating, still feel light cramping, headaches, all in all i think i have too many symptoms really :? i might be i might not be Doctors on Monday for a blood test as HPT showing BFN taken 3 not gonna take any more its frustrating :cry:

should i go to DR before Monday i feel really sicky :cry:
OMG BFP BFP BFP clear blue said pregnant :lol: :lol: :lol:
May I be the first to congratulate you on your wonderful news! Maybe all the suffering over the last few days has been worth it!

Well done again! :lol:

Tina x
thank you still can't believe it i just took another test to be sure and it was a BFP so i must be yipeeeeee!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

still feel yukkky sicky pukey but happy :lol:
Get that ticker changed girl and congratulations!!!! :D Welcome to the club of rocky hormones, funny eating habits and lots more of Preg Forum :D Really pleased for you babe xx
Hi Dee

That's brilliant news!! I'm so pleased for you CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

I did have a suspicion that you were PG but didn't want get your hopes up. See you on the first trimester board!!
Hi Dee

I haven't been on here for a while... today is the first time in a few weeks... Congratulations on your BFP. Have you been trying long? I bet that feeling you get when you see those 2 lines on your test stick is the most amazing feeling in the world. CONGRATS.. hope the sick feeling goes away soon.

Can I ask a few questions?

I'm due AF this Sunday 10th. The last 2 days i've had raging hormones... one minute i feel like crying, i feel upset over the slightest of things, then i get annoyed over nothing (husband is pulling his hair out) I never get like this before i'm due a period.... also this monring driving to work I could have thrown up.. i didn't but i felt like i wanted to. I've been able to eat breakfast and my lunch okay. Also my throat is burning like i've been sick. I've got a sick taste in my mouth too. Could this be symptoms of pregnancy? Did you feel like this before you found out? Can I ask how many days after your missed AF was it before you got your BFP?

Take care
thank you and i tested 4 day passed missed AF and got BFP then i tested again just to make sure and i got a BFP again, trying who's been trying i only made love twice last month and hey presto :lol: happy though :lol:

baby dust to everyone TTC

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