Should I take my 3yr old to my scan?


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2005
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As the title says really.

Got my anomoly scan on Monday and we had been planning to take our 3yr old along as she's so excited about the baby I thought it would be a lovely experience for her. Now I'm doubting myself (having a hormonal week!) and after talking to a colleague at work who found out at her scan that her baby had serious problems that resulted inher decideing to terminate I'm having second thoughts.

Most of me says to take the chance because the chances of there being a problem are low and it would be a lovely thing to do together but part of me thinks it would be unfair to put Lucy in the position of "seeing" her baby brother or sister and then potentially there being a problem.

I just don't know, and my hormones are not helping as I'm getting overly emotional about the slightest thing!
:hug: Children are amazingly resiliant and I think you should take your daughter :hug: xxx
Is there someone who could come along and wait in the waiting room with her while they do the checks? That way she could come in at the end to see the baby once you know everything is fine (also a sneaky way for your mum or someone to have a peek too!).
dont have any advice sorry but wanted you to have these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have been pondering this same thing My scan isnt till 1st Septbut Lewis my 5y/o is so excited I really want to take him but I am concerned if there should be anything wrong then a friend said to me Lewis is fully aware of us havving the baby and also very excited an as cruel as this sounds if something should be wrong its not something you could possibly hide therefore I have decided to take Lew along with us and let him see his brother o sister xxx

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