Short Period after Chemical Pregnancy/Early Miscarriag


Jun 17, 2016
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This is my first post, but since I had an early miscarriage on Tuesday/Wednesday I have been googling and threads on forums like this have been really helpful and informative. I have a question and was hoping your experiences might help.

I just want to start by saying I am so sorry for all your losses and painful experiences. We have only been seriously TTC for a month or so, and I was absolutely over the moon when I got pregnant so soon, as I have wanted to start TTC for a while. I know many people struggle with this, and we were so lucky.

I got a faint positive on the 7th, which would have been about 4 and a half weeks. Took a second test on the 11th and got a stronger positive. But then I started spotting on Tuesday, when I was about 5 and a half weeks. Decided to take another test to put my mind at rest, and it came back negative. Started bleeding the next morning. We were absolutely devastated, and it has been a horrible few days.

From everything I have read online I am fairly sure it must have been a chemical pregnancy. Especially as I got a negative result (two in fact) before the bleeding even started.

However now the bleeding seems to have stopped. Everything I have read online seems to indicate that a chemical pregnancy miscarriage/period lasts longer than usual. What I had was heavier than usual, and I passed some tissue, but it only really lasted one day?!

Has anyone else experienced this?
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I think its different for everyone. I had a chemical pregnancy and the bleeding was quite light and only lasted 3 days. I was only 4 weeks though so I think that is why. Sometimes bleeding slows or stops quite abruptly after you pass all the tissue. It could be that bleeding or spotting will start up again in the next couple of days but it could be that is it.

So sorry for your loss. Look sfter yourself and take time to grieve. Talk about your feelings with someone. I bottled things up too much and that made the healing process take longer. I dont know if you plan to TTC again right away but I got pregnant my next cycle and that pregnancy went well.

Thank you. Our families have been really supportive. And it has been so helpful to hear what other people have been through. I feel a lot better today, but I still can't quite accept it. The doctor wasn't that informative, so not sure what's usual and what isn't!

We are planning on TTC again as soon as possible, and it has been helpful to see that that has worked for a lot of people. As silly as it sounds I think it would be easier to think of it almost as one process? I'm not sure if that's healthy, but that hope is keeping me going right now!
I don't think there is a right or wrong way of feeling. You just have to take it one day at a time and deal with your emotions as you feel them. I'm glad you have suportive family. Once I had a heart to heart with him OH was fantastic but to start with I think he found it easier just to pretend it hadnt happened which meantwe didnt talk about it much to start with and that asnt healthy for mr. Once I really talked about it and let myself grieve it was a relief. I think it takes a while to really get back to yourself after a loss. There will be good days and bad days. Just take your time and dont push yourself to be all better until you are ready.
I had chem preg last month, and I only bled properly for 3 days, then spotted on the 4th. My normal period is usually 7 days long. Was really confused. But apparently it's normal, so weird! Xx
I only bled for one full day with my early miscarriage, my periods tend to be horrendous so I was preparing for a rough time, it's really hard to find out what's 'normal' and what isn't! Hope you're doing okay x
Thanks. I am doing ok actually. I think I have gotten over the shock a bit now, so it's a bit more of a background sadness. Though saying that it might have just not sunk in properly (I'm probably more focused on babies than I was before!).

PeauntButter I hope you are doing ok. It's good to know that other people have also had shorter, rather than longer, periods. I just hope that it doesn't mean more of an upset to my cycle? I've never tracked it properly, so I have no idea what to expect this month :/
Thomo, I ovulated this cycle, after chem which is unusual for me, so I think it does mess you up for a little but xx

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