short luteal phase all of a sudden?


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2011
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Am due to start ttc again in a few months so have started charting my cycle again

My cycles have always been around 31-33 days long. When I got pregnant last year I ovulated on day 16

Since having the baby my cycles fell back into around 32 days apart from this month

I used OPKS for first time since getting pregnant and I ovulated on day 19. AF then arrived on day 29, which means my luteal phase was 10 days this month.

Anyone manage to get pregnant with a short 2nd phase? What issues will this give me? I am 37 so hoping its not the start of the change. Haha

Keeping fingers crossed I will be back to normal this month x
Hubby just told me I am 36. doh!!

Was convinced I was 37, I have somehow managed to add a year on stoopid cow that I am
Wish I could knock a year off my age :lol:

Sorry hun, no real help other than to say I had a super short cycle this month (26 days) when I am a 30-31 day gal and have been since I was 13.

I have been using cheapy OPK's and haven't had a decent + so I may try a digital OPK. We're not trying [we're using OPK's to avoid fertile times] but now I am paranoid I am not ovulating.

Keep an eye for one more cycle and then maybe raise it with GP. I think the cut off is 9 days though?

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Hi Lynds, I have a 10 day lp too. For the past three months I've been taking vitamin b6 but it didn't lengthen it, only brought forward ovulation.... I went to to doc last week and she didn't seem concerned it was 10 days, although she didn't really seem to care about any of it lol xx

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