Shocked at unplanned pregnancy - need reassurance!


New Member
Dec 2, 2009
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Hi everyone, I'm new here so I hope it's ok to go right ahead and post!
I found out I am 6 weeks pregnant 6 days ago and I am absolutely freaking out! It is unplanned and very unexpected, and I think I am still in shock.
I feel like I'm dreaming and I want to wake up, but I'm not and this is really happening! I am terrified of my life changing so much and I don't feel ready, but I definitely don't want to terminate, abortion has never been an option for me.
My partner is totally fine and just seems to be dealing with it, but I don't feel I can, I don't know how to cope with something so life changing. I feel too young (I'm only 24)! Everyone we've told is sooooo excited and it makes me feel bad cause I'm not happy at all, all I do is cry or feel on the edge of a panic attack. I guess I just want someone to be able to tell me that this is normal and that I will get used to the news and be happy. I don't know anyone else who has been through this so I was hoping someone here would be able to offer reassurance.
Thank you! Thank goodness for that! I hope I get used to it soon, I'm so terrified!
:hug: Even though we're waiting to try (and planning on it for the New Year) am really excited but also fecking terrified at the prospect of being pregnant, having a child, the responsibility...etc.etc. I don't think anyone I know who has had a child - planned or otherwise - hasn't had some kind of "OMFG what on EARTH have we done?" moment now and again.

Give yourself some time to get used to the idea and try and look on the positive side! :hug:

Welcome to the forum :)

I think most women have a freak out moment when they are pregnant and maybe more so when it's unexpected. I remember my mum telling me about her finding out she was execting me. She was 23, living with my Dad in London working a fab job at the Ministry of Defense. Being pregnant was not in her plans. When they went to the clinic together to get a test and came out with the result in an envelope, she opened it and threw it in the air then ran off down the street screaming! :lol: My Dad didnt see her for hours!

Once you've got over the shock I'm sure it will start to sink in and you'll come round to the idea. 24 may be 'young' by todays standards but it's not that young really. It's great that your partner is taking it well.

Congratulations and welcome to the most nerve wracking but fantasticly amazing time of your life :)
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Hun, Im 26 and early on in my pregnancy too. It is so scary at times and I can imagine if it wasn't planned its even more scary. You're not too young, I don't think anyone ever feels totally 'ready' either, we don't. we are also so scared of telling our parents because we're not married, honestly I feel like a naughty teenager confessing to bunking off school or something!

I think your reaction is totally normal!
Hehe Tiny I'm right there with you and I'm 28!!!!!
hehe, have you told your parents yet? We're going to visit them this weekend. I need to phone to ask if they'll be around but Im so worried I'll say something wrong and she'll make me tell her whats going on lol! Fortunately both of our parents live in the same county so we can visit them in the same day and escape down the motorway!
bless u know the feeling very well.
dreading the day i tell my mum number 3 is on its way makes you feel like a kids again :)
But louise you've done it twice already!I guess it feels the same whatever age and howevermany times youve done it. I know my parents will be so thrilled to be grandparents, it will be their first grandchild! Just so scary!
wow they will be so so happy first grandchild sure he/she will be spoilt. totally agree doesnt matter how old or how many times its just scary and dont really know why
tiny make the most of your free time and just being the 2 of you and before you know it your be a little family
Welcome to Pregnancy Forum miss_fliss :wave:

It is totally normal what you're feeling and as the pregnancy progresses and you bond with the baby your fears will go and they will be replaced by excitement :)
Welcome to Pregnancy Forum miss_fliss :wave:

It is totally normal what you're feeling and as the pregnancy progresses and you bond with the baby your fears will go and they will be replaced by excitement :)

I completely agree with this xx
:wave: welcome to :D

i too think it's sooooooo normally! when we were ttc our daughter and saw the word 'pregnant' on the test we were both sooooo paniced!! i said, i need a drink, OH said you can't and preceded to open 3 beers and i screamed that, 'oh shit it's got to come out' :rofl: we then got very excited! however terrifying it seems, it is the most wonderful amazing thing we've ever done and it's sooooooo natural to be worried :hug: xx
Thank you so much for all your support! I'm glad to hear this is normal :) Really appreciate your messages
my mothers reaction wasnt the best, told me i was a stupid wee girl and to get rid then didnt speak to me again till i was 7months! (i was 17 and married)
so im a lil nervous to tell my mum if i ever fall again (currently ttc)
but it is normal to feel like this and ur folks will b fine, its justmy mum thats a fruit loop! lol
Hi and Welcome,
My emotions are always out of contol in the first trimester, watched a film yesturday and cried the whole way through. I was 20 when I had my first child, 22 with the second and 23 with the 3; first two planned and 3 sneeked in sooner than expected! They are now 9,7 and 6 and I have just feel pregnant again - totally unplanned and a bit of a shocker! Being young is great when having children because you have an excuse to be silly - although my son now finds this embarrassing lol.
I sure once things settle down you will be fine and you have a supportive partner so thats even better. Relax and enjoy yourself
Welcome to PF hun :) I was WTT with Niamh, so she was a bit of a surprise. Everything you are feeling is normal, and you'll be ok :hug:
Welcome :wave: my little boy was a totally shock I never wanted children, I vividly remember the day I did the test, I got a positive, went very dizzy and had to lay on the floor, I then managed to convince myself that because the test was from the pound shop it was dodgy. I couldn't be pregnent!! However 3 tests later and as I opened the 4th my hubbie said I don't think you need to do that we can safely say you are up the duff!

I won't lie I cried for 3 weeks but NEVER considered anything but keeping my baby

I slowly came around to the idea and by 12 weeks it had started to sink in and I could tell people without breaking out in a hot sweat! Then I had my scan and my heart melted! I too was 24

I am now proud mummy to a 8 month and the women that never wanted kids is desperate for more!

Well girls I told my mum on the phone this morning. We had planned to go together this weekend and tell both sets of parents face to face but she ruined my plans by being very busy all weekend but I was welcome ot stay if I didn't mind not seeing much of them(!) so in the end I just told her over the phone and started to cry...also not the plan.

She just started laying into my boyfriend saying how he's too moody and can't make me happy. We've lived together for 18 months and NOW she chooses to expresses her real feelings about him. :mad: She has the classic opinion that no man is ever good enough for me. I'm pretty certain that if he was a lawyer or a doctor she would though...oh yes, thats right its 2009!!!

I'm so unhappy now, and she truly made me feel like that naughty school girl. I've tried to come on here to regain the excitement I had yesterday and I just cant:cry:

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