She looks so grown up :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Took this pic yesterday and she looks So grown up, wheres my little newborn gone ?

She can now blow raspberrys, roll over and pull my hair at night, and have a teeny temper tantrum !


Please tell me its not just Flo who seems to have gone from 0-3months inn the blink of an eye !
That is an amazing picture....

She is so so beautiful. And it is scary how the newborn phase never lasts.

I remember people saying 'make the most of it, it goes so quick' All I could think was it's dragging on in a never ending cycle of nappies, feeding and no sleep how can this go fast? But it really does....
she is stunning hun!!
there will be many broken hearts when she older hehe x
She is unbelieveably beautiful, that hair is amazing! And her eyes, wow.

She is so gorgeous :)
I know exactly how you feel, I want my icckle baby back too! its nice they are developing bigger personalities each day but I miss the snuggly tiny thing that curled up in my arms.

I brought some clothes in 6-9m today and it made me really upset.

I refuse to say she is 3 months old and still tell everyone in weeks, seems to make her younger for some reason :rotfl:
She is gorgeous, that is a fantastic pic.

I agree how quickly those first three months went!
Thanks girls, glad its not just me Oh keeps saying " well what did you think was going to happen"

aramintalovegrove said:
I miss the snuggly tiny thing that curled up in my arms

Thats exactly how i feel, when did that delicate defensless little thing turn into this cheeky little madam !
Everytime you post photo's I have to look. Flo is so beautiful! She is just perfect in everyway :hug:
Awwwwwwww! Shes sooooo beautiful!!!! That picture is amazing. :hug:
She is sooooo cute!

I miss my newborn to :( it went in the blink of an eye!
Beautiful as ever, she really is gorgeous :D

I felt just the same when I realised Eva was no longer a newborn, kinda sad, but I am over it now - no longer have time to mourn my teeny baby keeping up with the near toddler she has become! :lol:
She's a pure stunner - they grow soooooooooo fast!! It was only 45 minutes ago that I gave birth!!

Hugs for you hun :hug: you'll be a granny before you know it :rotfl:

Kim x x x x
Aww she is so cute!!
Yeah I knowwhat you mean!
Lola-Mae is 2 months already!? :shock: I cant believe it!

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