Shauna UPDATE!


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2010
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Hiya hunni

well ive had spottin today pinkish/brownish!
not sure if af is on its way but cervix still high very soft n closed!
so i guess the next 24hrs ill find out :)

OH'S birthday tomorrow watch the bloody witch show up! :mad: am gunna send her flying!!! make her hate my body haha! x
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Sounding good hun! Hope you get a BFP soon, you've waited long enough! Lol x x
oh god yeah tell me about it!

:( - either want the bfp or the bloody af to makes its mind up on what is blooding doing... but if af does arrive am out from TTCing Till after xmas... x
Hiiiii, :)

Spotting could be normal if you are and she better stay away!! Really hope she does you deserve it xx
Oh was ment to ask do you have facebook xx
haha i bloody hope so..... this has to be it! the spotting is now pinkish! but my cervix has shot up again n very hard to reach.... am constantly on bloody tissue watch too lol! :) x

yeah i have hunni whats ur email address for it? x
oh yes deffo! :) am hoping it is!
just confused as its only happening on the pad not when i wipe! but i suppose everyone is different i guess! so will just have to see i really wanted to test tomorrow OH'S birthday but if it is implantation bleeding then i wont know for around another week! :( pah lol!

oh another thing i NEVER get cold spots an this morning ive woke up with one :S my partners like oh my god ur first cold spot is this common i really dont have a clue lol! x
I said to other half 10 mins ago i was getting my "on" spot on my chin lol a monthly thing when i get my period. I think some people do have breakouts of spots? not too sure on that one :) xxx
OMG - my skin has been awful this week - I have a spot on my lip (never get these), two on my chin and one on my cheek! Ick!
my spots are at bay lol :p

thank god lol :)

just this bloody cold spot x
Least AF hasnt came though so thats a good thing! Let hope it stays that way. What about the ovulation tests have you done one of themxxx
hiya shauna yeah done then an there negative now so maybe i ovulated late???? :/ so maybe i am out :( x
Proper confusing or what! I think you should go doctors......did u get a surge before in your cycle aswell??? xx
well 7days still no AF! no sign an my cervix hasnt bloody moved either! still the same! BFN tho! arghhh! doctors tomorro morning! 9am so ill see whats going on then it think! never been 7 days late for my period :/ usual 2days max x
wow 7 days late! cant wait to hear the news chick, hope its good! you will have to post as soon as you get in :) xx
i will dont worry this is the longest ive gone! an my belly has got the pregnancy shape my last pregnancy ended up like this with my little boy , i had a period but when i did the test i was 8weeks n the bleeding i got the other month was the same as what i had with my youngest! but suppose i best find out for sure an if they say come bk in a week ill scream tomorrow is 8days late... so surely they will do something n not just say wait another week! cos ive been waiting from 3weeks haha! such a drag but not been stressing about it! so its all good! :) watch ill probably wake up at af in the morning lol! x

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