sex of babies

hello i was wondering if people knew what sex there baby was and there babies heart beat as i heard something today and wanted to know if it is right - i probably sound crazy to you all i am not though lol - i will explain when enough people have replied
sarah and bubba
Well I don't know what mine is but I heard that the heartbeat is faster for a girl.....
they say 120-140 is a boy and 150-160 is a girl roughly. but docs say its not accurate. must admit mine was. mine bub is 144bpm and they said at the 20week scan that they thought he was a boy so that works.

Yes Ive heard exactly the same and before I had both my last girls the Midwife said to me. " I suspect you are having a girl because of the heartbeat" And she was right!!!

Ive also heard that its not accurate, so think its a case of waiting sadly. Im a bit cheesed off cos our hospital in Milton Keynes will not tell you the sex, so unless we want to pay privately which we can not afford we will have to wait.

Ragna xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thats interesting I will check my notes to see what the heartbeat is, but I dont really want to know until the day my little gem is born!!
They also say that if you look at the back of your baby's head in the scan picture - if it's flatter than its a boy or if its rounded its a girl - worked for my two and I have one of each!!!
i went for my scan yesterday and baby crossed its legs when time came to check sex. The heartbeat was 127- so we'll see in Nov because my insurance doesn't cover another scan unless its a medical emergnancy!
My babys heartbeat is always high 140's - low 150's and its a boy :)
Well my intuition had been telling me it was a boy, we have decided we dont want to know. I did how ever check my maternety notes and the heatbeat was 124 so this backs up my intuition. Will let you know if its true for me!
But intuition tells me the baby is a boy but the BPM is about 168 :shock: it it coz the baby is so tiny or is that how it will be the whole time? So far seems like I'm having a girl according to BPM and chinese charts, and my head says boy lol. God this is so confusing :lol: I'm so impatient!

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