Sex and pain


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2013
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I've heard you can get pain when you orgasm. Ive got achy crampy pains but I didn't orgasm..
He was on top of me an I could feel him pushing on my tummy,but not major hard! Listened to babys heart beat and it's still beating away.
Also another question.. Whilst I listened to bubs, its heart was really fast and then it slowed for a couple of seconds and then sped up again..? I'm worried, help xxx
The last time we DTD I felt a big uncomfortable and put off so ended up leaving it. Also, dunno if this is really weird but when we were... eh, in the middle of things? It felt very forward while it was happening, uncomfortably forward. :s
I also did the Doppler trick after having sex the other day too and the baby had moved right up to my belly button (she's usually down low) and her heart was insanely fast but I put it down as being normal.
I meant to say she seemed also very very forward whereas she seems to usually lurk back. Whenever I have sex my belly goes insanely hard too which seems as if she's come very forward.
I was OK during DTD, even though restricted on positions etc etc.

But afterwards I had pain on left hand side not far from my hip. It went after a few hours
I don't have this problem, we don't have sex any more we just do "other stuff" as he gets weirded out by baby lol. Roll on November!

I am sure all is normal hun x
^^^ Haha ! I thought me & OH would get weird-ed out but we seem OK
Lucky you! I am getting serious withdrawal symptoms lol! x
The change in heartbeat is normal Hun, when baby is active heartbeat speeds right up and when it's asleep it slows right down. I was put on a trace so many times in my pregnancy and it when baby was wriggling and kicking his heartbeat was sky high! X

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