Screaming fussy baby!

Nicole mummy

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2012
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My baby is really fussy!! When he is awake all he wants to do is feed or he screams! Can a breast fed baby have colic? I can hear his little tummy making a huge amount of noise, he is really gassy and so unsettled even when not hungry. I'm feed on demand from cluster feeding sometimes every half hour to sometimes going 3 almost 4 hours. Even if he is fully fed the whole time he is awake he is moaning, stressing and freaking out no matter if his bum is clean right temp I dunno what's wrong with him. It's not like he is my first he is my 4th! I've even bought a dummy but doesn't like it.
My little girl had colic in the early days. She would be inconsolable every evening from 7on the dot! It went in for 3/4 weeks, then one day, it just stopped. We now have a really happy, smiley baby, and can go for days without hearing her cry. She was really bad at bringing up wind in the first couple of months, so Infacol helped us us hugely. Have you tried that at all? We also found that Molly was overturned, as she wasn't sleeping enough during the day- I got round this by putting her to bed to nap (rather than keeping her with me), and this really helped. :)
My son is 3 weeks old today and I've bought some infocol today so I will try that tonight. When at the breat he is gulping and slurping down milk which can't help. Is it best to just keep feeding or more little and often by waking him for more feeds? Feel like I've never had a baby before! I'm useless! X
Sounds exactly like Molly was- she was gulping it down really fast, and being sick a lot. Turned out I had a fast let down. That settled, but some people suggest expressing a little milk off before you feed, to calm it a little bit. We used to stop and burp her quite frequently, as well. Hang in there- everything seemed to really calm down for us after about 4 weeks. X
Sounds exactly like Molly was- she was gulping it down really fast, and being sick a lot. Turned out I had a fast let down. That settled, but some people suggest expressing a little milk off before you feed, to calm it a little bit. We used to stop and burp her quite frequently, as well. Hang in there- everything seemed to really calm down for us after about 4 weeks. X

This is what I've experienced too. I have a fast let down, especially in the morning. I found that if I feed him for a few minutes then express and then offer him the breast again he takes a longer feed. H was really gassy and crying in the evenings too. I introduced infacol an it has been a god send. I only need to give it him now every 2 to 3 feeds and he is loads better at passing his wind. He's 4,weeks.


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