

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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I'm so scared, I'm 6+1 today and with both my miscarriages baby hasn't got past 6+5. I'm trying to spot every cramp and twinge I can feel and wondering if this is the baby leaving me again.

I tried to get a docs appointment and couldn't get one but managed to speak to one instead. She said she would prefer not to send me for an early scan because it could give me false assurance that everything will be ok. Which is what happened last time, saw the heartbeat then baby died a week later.

At the time I agreed it was probably best to wait but now I'm even more scared of having another mmc. What if I do miscarry again and don't bleed again, then I won't know until my NHS scan.

Doc said I was ok to book in with the midwife, so I rang to book appointment and they said she would ring me back, as yet not heard anything, that was Monday.

Just feeling so scared, wondering if I should book a private scan now.
If it would give you reassurance then book one. I think they're worth every penny but I can see both arguments.
I'm sure everything will be fine this time, think positive hunnie x
I'm so desperately trying to be positive and I thought I was doing ok until today, I had a rubbish nights sleep and just kept waking thinking about bean. I thought setting milestones would help, but I did that last time and it go me no where.

I'm gonna look for scans now, see where the nearest is. I won't book until nearer 8 weeks, which should tell me if baby has made it that far or not.
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Hey hun,
I know how you are feeling! I am 7+0 and have lost my previous 3 all at this time, so I know what you mean about every twinge being the end. Cant you push for an NHS scan? They should give you one! I hope you sleep well tonight. xxx
Oh you poor thing.....

I know exactly how you feel though hun (sadly!!)

I am now past most of my scary points....

I have always had a bleed before I've got to 6 weeks [two losses had already totally occured by the 6 week mark. My first pregnancy went to 8w 4d BUT I'd been spotting since 5w 5d]. I've also always had a bleed of some kind within less than a week of getting my BFP...

So thus far I've passed 6 weeks and I have known for longer than 2 weeks and nothing untoward has happened

I feel a little more confident BUT still terrified!

I am booking an early scan as I've never seen a HB and until I do I don't think I can fully begin to accept this pregnancy.

I would suggest you pick a time to have an early scan that is after your 'scary time' (say 8 weeks?) That way you've got beyond your horrible 6w 5d mark by more than a week??

Sorry I can't be of more help BUT I totally understand how you feel

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Sorry you are feeling really stressed Hun. I completely understand. Tri 1 is an awful place after a mc let alone 2.

Do you think you would take reassurance from an early scan after your last experience? If you think you would and it would put your mind at rest then perhaps booking one would be a good idea.

I wouldn't have had an early scan this time round if it hadn't been for my holiday I don't think. The midwife basically said to me the same as what the doc said to you, it could give you false reassurance, you could see the baby and it could still go wrong after that etc.

I found tri 1 an awful waiting game. I was just hoping to pass the days without incident of any sort. I kept myself as busy as I could and ignored that I was pregnant.

There is every chance that this little bean is a keeper hun. Put your faith in that and your body.

Good luck with whatever you decide x
Thanks for the replies girls.

I'm so confused as to whether I should try for an early scan or not. What the doc said made sense but it doesn't stop me wondering.

I've checked for early scans in my area and there is one not to far away. Luckily I've moved since the last mc, otherwise I would have to go back to the place I got the bad news last time.

I'm gonna leave it for a couple of weeks before thinking about booking again. Then I know I am well passed the 6+5 weeks time.

I've spoken to OH this weekend about how I feel and he is so good, said he will support what ever decision I make. he is just as scared as me.

Just got to keep hoping this pregnancy lasts for us. x
You can normally get a 7 week reassurance scan for around £60. I'd go for it if you feel like this would reassure you, worth their weight in gold I think x
How are u feeling now hun. Tri 1 is horrible for those of us who have suffered a loss before. For me it was like a horrible waiting game. I hope u and bean are doing well xxxx

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:hugs: totally natural that your feeling like this hun, i agree with the others maybe book a scan for 7 weeks, thats when i had mine and felt much better after. i know its hard to stay positive but everything will be ok with baby kedi :) xxxx
Hey ladies, well I should be 7 weeks tomorrow. I've still not booked a scan, I'm just gonna wait for now I think. I'm too scared, last time I had an early scan and saw heartbeat then went back 4 weeks later to no heart beat.

On a good note I've been feel nauseous for the last two days, the feeling disappears just after I've eaten and then comes back again. I've not been sick yet but it feels like my food isn't making it to my stomach it's sits in my chest instead.

Saying all of that, I had pregnancy symptoms last time even though baby was gone! So who knows.

I'm still waiting for my midwife later with a date for my booking in appointment. We don't get post everyday, we only get once a week, apparently we aren't on the Royal mail run yet!! So no idea when that will turn up :(
Blimey kedi, you only get post once a week? How does that work?

I hope the time passes quickly for you, 7 weeks already without any problems is great hun. Did you have spotting before?

I don't blame you for not booking a scan, I don't think I would in your circumstances either. Given your experience last time I don't think you would have taken much reassurance from it and would have carried on worrying afterwards.

I have everything crossed for a sticky one this time xx
I know a few ladies in your position Kedi, ladies that have lost thier bub's later is gestation than my early losses so for them an early scan at 7 / 8 weeks would be pointless.

It's up to you and what you feel comfortable with sweetie

Blimey kedi, you only get post once a week? How does that work?

I've just bought a new build house and the post man that came a few weeks ago came with a huge bundle of post. He said we would only get post when royal mail give overtime as we aren't on a regular run yet!! I've complained but it's got me no where so far.

Yeah I don't think I would get reassurance just yet, maybe in a few weeks. Hopefully by then I'll be able to wait until my 12 week scan. But we will see!!

First MC started with cramps and bleeding. The 2nd one I only found out when I went for a scan at 10+2 days. :(

I'm trying to stay positive but it's sooooooooooooo hard!!:wall2:
I know a few ladies in your position Kedi, ladies that have lost thier bub's later is gestation than my early losses so for them an early scan at 7 / 8 weeks would be pointless.

It's up to you and what you feel comfortable with sweetie


Yep if I was in your position I would be racing out for a scan. I'm really hoping you get some good news on Friday hun, you deserve it. You've been through too much and still you're here full of life and jokes, you're an inspiration x
I just think we each have to do what works best for us and if you can get by without an early scan then go for it.

If you did get to a point when you feel really anxious and worried then you know you can book a private scan at any time!

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I just thimk we each have to do what works best for us and if you can get by without an early scan then go for it.

If you did get to a point when you feel really anxious and worried then you know you can book a privaye scan at any time!


Yeah it's nice to know it's an option. I found a place not too far from home too. :)
All my symptoms have gone this morning, my boobs don't hurt, I haven't felt sick for days really, I'm not that tired. I'm so scared.

When I get home tomorrow night I'm gonna book a scan, I can't keep doing this. Surely it's better to know. Confused and scared - AGAIN!!
Hi Kedi,
If I were in your position (after suffering 2 x mmc myself - with no signs of bleeding in either only found at nhs scans) and all my symptoms had gone, then yes I think I would book a scan.
(But for me having scans are what i fear most!!) But its best to know, than live in this worry of limbo and not knowing how to feel, not wanting to be negative, but not wanting to hopes up as it just hurts more! ) so hard.

If your in worry and cant wait til nhs then , I would book it. If you can be strong and wait then wait, Then you knolw if you make it at nhs scan that it really is good news and you are out of the danger zone!

Sorry if Ive not helped much, bit know If I ever get a bfp again I will be in complete turmoil over this

let us know how you get on xxxxx

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