Scan tomorrow..........


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2016
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I am scared to death as I have never gone this far before and do not want to see and under developed baby with no HB again.

The scan is at 8.30 and I doubt I will sleep much tonight x
I am not convinced so maybe I will be nicely surprised x
I nearly had a panic attack before my scan I'd convinced myself something was wrong hope it all goes OK for you
Lots of luck for your scan tomorrow xx
i made myself sick the first scan. but was such a relief seeing it on the screen :)
Well I just hope there is something to see tomorrow.

I have had 10 previous miscarriages so this one needs to work for me x
oh hun I can understand how nervous you are. hope everything goes well for you x
I hope all is well. I have now apparently got an intolerance to Pork. I had a chinese on Friday night with Ribs and Saturday morning I was rather unwell, yesterday I went for tea at my brother's (his g/f is Thai) and we had Thai Noodle Soup (with Pork) and this morning I was unwell again.

Maybe that is a good thing? x
I felt the same way at every scan until quite far into the pregnancy, convinced it would be disappointment and heartbreak. It's such a stressful time, hope today goes nice and quickly for you and let us know how you get on! xx
Best of luck with your scan tomorrow xx
Hope all goes well with your scan tomorrow! :) x
Wishing you all the luck in the world Leeann you so deserve a happy scan tomorrow... glad it's early in the morning so you don't have too long to wait. Il be keeping everything crossed for you xxx

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