Scan tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Well its the day before my follicle tracking scan tomorrow and Ive woken really thinking about it. I dont have any symptoms of ovulatiin so Im not particulary hopeful but in a way Im desperate for some good news. I feel that if I get the news tomorrow thàt it hasnt worked then I may get really upset again as this is the last option they appear to want to give me. Also its just the nurse who does the scan and she wont or cant answer any real questions it has to be the dr.

I may also get my AMH bloods back and Im exceptionally worried about those because if they are very low then there is a big problem. I got 3 or four infertility books from ebay and one says if you dont respond to clomid etc then your considered to have a low egg reserve. Could potentially be a horrendous day!

I do have a fertility dr appointment on the 23rd March so Im going to write down all my questions and make sure they are answered!
Aww good luck Laura, I really don't get any really obvious egg action on clomid, are you using opks or would it be too early?? :)

You know when you've been on clomid how long have your cycles been?

Thanks maybe! Not had any cycle at all since last Feb. clomid didnt work so triying the letrazole. Dont remember what it feels like to have an af anymore which is crazy! I am desperate for the witch to arrive and everyone doesnt want her.
Ahh I was just wondering if you had AF at all as AF pretty much confirms some kind of OV...

Are you waiting til after cd 25 ish to see if you might OV later before starting provera?

Have you asked about late OV or is that not likely on clomid?

I think I will still get 21 and 28 day bloods done but with the letrazole if you have a follicle that grows to 17mm them you inject yourself with something to make you ovulate. Dont know if they will scan me again in a week or what if my 13 mm has got bigger but not got to 17? Im actually a little unsure of the process will have to ask tomorrow. They dont like to give me the negative scenarion until it happens.

I also havent been taking provera as it didnt work as my lining is so thin. I just have had a baseline scan then that day counts as cd 2 although I have no bleed.
Ahh I see I forgot about the 13 mm one! Massive fx it got bigger!!:)

Good luck tomorrow hon, I dont know much about scans but I would not try to worry about the amh level. Is is relatively new and even if it is low dont panic. What they will never know is how many people actually conceive with a low amh over the years. Also mine was actually good and here I am 2.5 years later with not even one bfp!! Let us know how it goes xxxx
Hey Laura, I don't have any advice but just wanted to wish you luck and I have everything crossed that you get good news tomorrow. Good idea about writing everything down for your appt in March, I did that when I was at the royal last week and I have to say the doctor (can't remember his name however he is asian, sorry that might not narrow it down any!) anyway he was great and was very patient with the huge list of questions I had and really put my mind at rest. Have you tried angus castus to try to bring on AF? (sorry you've prob been asked that loads of time on here!) x
Hi honey, good luck tomorrow, i really hope that follicle has grown! What dose of letrozole did you take? I'm to take 2.5mg days 2-6 after a provera bleed. Then they'll try 5mg if not. Just asking because you could always ask to give the 5mg a shot if you have no luck tomorrow.
Will be thinking of you, and hope you manage to get some sleep tonight xxx
Kay Kay I had tried the agnus castus before I was referred to the fertility dr for a little while and it didnt appear to help but I didnt give it the best shot if Im honest as I stopped after a few weeks as I got my appointment through and disnt want to be taking anything. I have quite a bit left so I will use it if the letrazole is unsuccesful.

Blondy thats good to know that the dose of the letrazole can be upped too I didnt realise that. I am going to push for that then if its not good news. Im not just waiting 2 years for IUI doing nothing if I can try an upped dose at least. Have you to go for a scan on day 12 too and inject yourself with something uf your follicle is over 17?
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good luck for tomorrow hun. ill be keeping my fingers crossed its good news xxxx
Sorry missed the thread :(

I hope it went well - have you had it yet? xx

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