Scan in the morning - Excited but so so nervous!!

Little miss pink

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2006
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Hey everyone :wave: :wave:

Well the time has finally come for our 20 week scan which is tomorrow. But i am so so nervous and i'm trying so hard not to be.

I keep worrying that there is some bad news waiting for me and i am having dreams that i am told the baby isn't growing properly or has a serious problem.

I know i'm prone to think the worst which is sad i know, but i cannot get rid of this gut feeling that something is wrong :roll:

Every other night i listen to baby phump with my doppler and i can pick up the heart beat and i have been feeling flutters and movements for around 2 weeks but i still cannot help but worry.

I am so excited to see little phump again and i cannot wait to get our next picture and see him or her again hopefully all happy in my tummy but i just wish i could stop worrying :roll: :roll:

What am i like................... hopeless!

Good luck tom hun, I am sure that everything will be absolutely fine :hug: are you going to find out what youi are having?

Hi hun, its natural to feel like that as i remember thinking it last time right up till i lay on the bed and she put the scan on. Im also thinking it again, especially as not feeling any movements yet! :wall:

Good luck though and im sure all will be well with your little one. :hug:
Lindsay said:
Good luck tom hun, I am sure that everything will be absolutely fine :hug: are you going to find out what youi are having?


Thanks Lindsay :hug: No as much as the curiosity is killing me i'm going to hold out until the end!!! Staying team green :cheer:

Unless i see something obvious though :wink:

Thanks Guys :hug: If you remember in the morning please try and keep everything crossed for me

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

Sure everything will be fine but good luck for tomorrow :hug: xx
Good luck hun-I'll be thinking of you!
Make sure you let us all know and post some piccies!
I'm sure everything will be fine-I worried for both of my scans-it's just natural! :D
Good luck for tomz but i'm sure everything will be just fine so enjoy the moment. :hug:
Good Luck for tomorrow and stop worrying all will be fine xxx
Dont worry LMP you will be fine, if you didnt feel nervous then Iwould worry it is totally natural and I was the same but once you are in there and can see your LO you wont want it to end.

Yeah to Team Green!!! we are bump buddies and both team green it is going to be so edxciting when we got to our due dates!!!
Hi! :wave:
Good luck for the scan hun, try not to be too nervous!!
Im sure everything will be fine!! :D
good luck tomorrow... i was the same, i was nearly sick i got that worked up!

let us know how it goes.... xx

i stayed team green, but couldnt help but stare at the bottom half of baby during the scan! (couldnt see owt tho!)
Good luck for tomorrow hun :hug: I was nervous too but it will be so exciting to see your LO again!
I am sure it will all go well tommorow hunny
i was scared too, but it's natural to be
enjoy seeing you little one agian :D
and dont forget to post piccies
lol :hug:
Don't worry LMP :hug: - Sounds as though everything is progressing the way it should :cheer:

Can't wait to see your scan picture! It's completely normal to fear the worst, but you have nothing to back it up (remember that)...

...Ooooh and I hope you sleep well tonight and we'll most definitely be thinking of you tomorrow morning!

Glad you get to see LO again! xxx

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