Scan in an hour - how much water?

Little miss pink

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2006
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Hi everyone

I have a scan in just over an hour but how much water do i need to drink? I'm scared my bladder won't be full enough especially with me being only 10weeks 1 day

LMp x
A pint about an hour before hand. I drank 750mls about 20 mins before and was fine.

It should tell you all the info you need in your appointment letter somewhere also.
My letter told me there was no need to drink anything before the scan, I don't know why this was as I always thought you needed to.

A x
I drank a 1L bottle of water on my way to the scan. The first thing the lady said when whe saw the screen was "whoa your bladder is full" :D I was worried it wouldn't be in my bladder by the time I got into the scan, but it was. Good luck with your scan! :hug:
The sonographer congratulated me on how full my bladder was! I was sligtly embarrased by this but also it meant i got a clear picture of the baby x
i drank a pint a hour before, then just before it was my scan i had to wee it out again!!! anyway the baby was still seen and i was 8 weeks

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