Scan doesn't match dates? (Worried)


New Member
Nov 22, 2016
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Hi feel slightly odd posting here being male and all and sorry if it's the wrong forum. My partner and I found out she was pregnant around the 3rd Nov and from her dates she should be 6+4 today. She was in quite a bit of pain earlier on in the pregnancy so we had things checked and bloods done which came back showing hcg had actually more than doubled ( this was only about 4 weeks and hcg was 378ish ) they said there is no need for more bloods and they arranged for a scan which was yesterday. The scan only showed a gestational sac and nothing else no fetal pole or heartbeat. What's confusing is they have dated her at possibly 5+4 which they said it's not unusual to not see anything this early but to go back in a week for another scan. ( all internal ). She is 100% sure on her dates although she has not kept track of ovulation but her last period was the 7th of October. I'm trying to keep her from worrying and telling her not to give up hope but if I'm honest I think I'm more worried than she is. Has anyone experienced something like this and everything has been fine? Any advice would be appreciated!

Hi Mike, I had an early scan at 7+3 and I measured 5 days behind. I was worried about it as mine is a pregnancy resulting from fertility treatment and I know exactly when I ovulated but at my next scan little one had caught up and was measuring a day ahead. They are very small at that size and if they are curled up or stretched out there can be quite a big difference in measurements. Hopefully you will see plenty of growth at your next scan, good luck and try not to worry too much (although I know that is much easier said than done!).
If she doesn't know when she ovulated then try not to worry. Period dates are only reliable for the completely standard cycle and there can be quite a bit of variation between due date by ovulation date/scan and due date by last period. In my first pregnancy they put me back over 2 weeks at my first scan! This time I know when I ovulated and so I'm expecting to be over a week behind the date that the midwife gave me - it's still early and things develop at different rates so try not to worry - good luck :)

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