Sad and rather weepy


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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My husband just left for work (he's working away at the moment) and he won't be back until the 5th October. I know people on here have probably had to deal with longer separations and I'm sorry for being a wuss but I'm devastated. Plus our daughter has her first day (well morning) at nursery on the 4th Oct so I won't even have him to turn to when I no doubt blub all the way through it!

The only good thing about him being away is that I can get comfortable in bed at night, but I would so gladly give that up forever to have him back. :( :(
:hug: :hug: :hug: big hugs to you i get upset when my DH works nights as i dont like sleeping on my own i hope it wont be to hard for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: thanks girls.

At least I have the internet back to keep me busy, plus he has the car so without the computer I can't get food!
:hug: :hug: i hate it when my partner goes away offshore again, it always leaves me feeling lost!

hope your feeling better in a few days hun :hug: :hug:
I would be so lonely if my OH worked away:( :hug:

text me or call me in the evenings if you feel all alone :D
MM.... we could be in the same gang...... I feel exactly the same way... but my DH is only away til Friday... I just cant stop crying at the minute!!!

:hug: For you!
Aww! I'd go crazy if my OH had to go away for that long! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww :hug: I would hate it if hubby went away for that long. He is starting a new job soon and has to go on a residential course for 2 weeks but home on the weekend and I am dreading it :oops:
Thanks everyone - feeling a bit better this morning.
Feeling sad won't make him come back any quicker, and I'm not going to focus on the date he is coming back and try and forget about how long he is away and see if I can make it go quicker.

I have a midwife appointment this wednesday, I have my doppler arriving either tomorrow or wednesday and then that will keep me busy for a while! Plus at the weekend my husband got all the winter duvets and clothes out of the loft and they are sat in boxes and suitcases in the spare room so I can work my way through putting the clothes away etc.

And with the internet I have ebay and online shopping... I also have hubby's bank card. He may come home to a house full of tat!! :lol:
I remember when my OH had to work away for 3 weeks, i was inconsoleable. after the 3 weeks was up i was used to him not being there and he took up far too much room in the bed. :rotfl:

he is going away for 2 nights in october and im dreading that cuz its the first time i will be left alone with our baby,so its a bit different this time.
my boyfriend lives and works in london and im in blackpool. although i do see him as much as possible, its not as much as i liked. ive near enough spent the whole of the past week crying on the phone to him. now thats embarrassing. his reaction usually makes me laugh to myself though..after about 5 minutes of me just sniffing he'll ask 'are you ok?' and i usually shout back 'DOES IT SOUND LIKE IT?'.
im not usually an emotional person and very rarely cry but i dunno whats come over me recently

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