Rude GP made me so upset (updated in op)


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2010
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I went to see my GP this morning to confirm my pregnancy, as in my previous surgery we had to see DR who then referred to midwife. I went in, all happy and excited, explained that I was worried because I've had two miscarriages previously.

He said: "do you want to keep it?"
Me: of course
He: "are you absolutely sure?"
Me: yes, I'm married, we've been trying to conceive, I've had two miscarriages of course I want the baby.
Him: "hmm"
He asked me for my last period which I told him, he didn't try and work out due date, he did my blood pressure which was normal then said do you smoke? I said No, and he looked at me like I was a complete liar.

He gave me a test and said "go do sample" so I went to the loo, but I was already upset and I just couldn't do it. I'd literally gone to the loo before I walked out my house, I've never been asked to do another sample before at this point. I went in and said, sorry I can't. He said "not at all?" again asking like I was a complete liar. I said "no not at all" he said well you better make an appointment for when you can do a specimen and we'll take it from there. I suppose you could try booking in with a midwife.

I left trying not to cry, maybe I'm being really sensitive but he just seemed really abrasive, and unkind. Fortunately reception let me book in with the midwife and I've appointment at 2 this afternoon. I don't know whether it's worth mentioning? The reception asked me how manta weeks I was, and I had to go by my ticker cos the GP didn't calculate an edd.

I just feel Like I've been made to feel guilty for wanting to keep this baby when I'm already really nervous that I'm going to lose it.

UPDATE: saw the midwife who was absolutely lovely, and shocked at the way the GP spoke to me, said she would have a word. (whether or not she actually will) she booked me in for an early scan but said it will be an internal (eek) took loads of blood but my vein collapsed, she attempted twice again in my other arm but with no luck, so after the early scan I've got to go to the hospital path lab for more blood. All being well my 12 week scan is booked for the 29th December :)
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Oh hon that's terrible. :hug: I'm so glad you're able to see the midwife, they're far more sympathetic and reassuring. Good luck with your appointment xx
Aww hun what a horrible man :(

From now on though, make sure you collect a sample bottle everytime you have an appt as they will want to check each time you go docs xxxx
thats so sad to hear hunni, i hope your ok. dont let him upset. if you wanted to you can report him to the reception as he made you upset, if it makes you feel better. not sure what would come from it but it would mean you wouldnt have to deal with him again.
good luck with the MW xxx
Phone sent to early :wall: I would mention it to your Mw this afternoon x
Thanks girls, I might mention it later - might make me feel better! I was so worried I've just done another test and fortunately just as positive as the first one. I'm just so angry that I'm already on tenterhooks and he just made it much worse. I'm never going to see him again, even if it means having to wait 2 weeks for an appointment.
aw thats not on bbe, i hate it when doctors are like that i had an awful time when my son was poorly i got called neurotic and that i was wasting there time after being accused of neglecting my son because he wasn't putting weight on when he actually had a heart condition and had to have open heart surgery at 2 years old!! doctors are useless sometimes you certainly dont deserve to be treated like that especially after having two miscarriages huni i would complain! how dare he treat a woman like that who is going thru a very emotional time sorry for the rant it just makes me angry!!

on a lighter note congratulations and i hope you have a healthy happy 9 months :) xxx
Oh hunny what a horrible doctor. :hugs: so sory u had to go through that. I had a similar experience with my old gp surgery, the doctors there were just as rude. I have since changed surgeries and have a nice doctor. I don't see why u would have to go back with a urine sample if ur going to see the midwife later. Just look forward to having that appointment :) xx
Oh hun, so sorry he was like that to you. All the DRs at my surgery are rude like that. They think they are above us all, even though they are only GPs at the end of the day. Get in touch with a midwife and forget about that DR xxxx
Babe this is outreageous!! Please please complain. He can't get away with that. He may well be having a bad day but even so that's terrible and shouldn't take it out on you!

But on a Different note big congrats!! X
Oh yeah, I totally forgot to say cngrats!! Sorry hun, bug bug congrats to you and a super sticky bean xxxx
Grrr, Drs can be so stupid at times. From what you have said it sounds like this Dr is useless, saw you for all of 5minutes and made a judgement. I would write a complaint by email or something (but then I love writing things rather than saying things to someones face).

Hope MW is much more on your side! x
ahhh hunny that sounds like and awful experiance try book in and see a differnt doc and maybe even complain about the one you saw
Thanks all, just waiting to see midwife now. Hopefully I won't leave in tears like earlier lol
Aww that's awful I'd def say something congratulations and I hope u have a happy and healthy 9 months
God what an idiot, I thought mine was bad. At least you,ve got a nice midwife.

2nd What a complete A**E, I'm glad you complained and I hope something is done :)

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