Room Temperature


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
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Just wondering what temperature you ladies keep your babies rooms? My baby alarm goes mad and flashes if the temp in the nursery goes over 22 degrees but it's difficult to keep the house any cooler in the summer. We've put one of those air cooler's in there and Debs is is a 1 tog sleeping bag. Would be good to hear what you do.
The room keeley's in is quite warm and its usually 20 to 21 so i just put her to bed in a sleepsuit then check the room before i go to bed usually by then its got a lil bit colder i then use a light blanket
Our room is 26 tonight :shock: it is always so hot up there, normally around 23-24, Teej sleeps in his babygrow and nothing else we never put a blanket on him. Tonight I have a fan going up there and did habe the windows open in the bedroom and en suite but I have come downstairs now and closed the windows, don't want him being stolen after all the madeleine stuff -silly really I am underneath him in the lounge and would see people climbing in through the window and would hear it on the monitor but I would never forgive myself!!
Awwwww it is scary leaving window's open but then so is over heating. Sounds like our house is pretty normal, I'm hoping for a cool summer. We're moving so I'm hoping the new house will be cooler.
I've been wondering about this. Nathans room tonight is about 24. He is in a long sleeved sleep suit with a fleece blanket on him. Its only up to his waist but do you think thats to much. Is anyone else still putting blankets on?
gotten down to 25, the windows are now open and I am all worried!! I think I may change him into a short sleeved vest when he wakes up for his milk.
kellie I would take the blanket off him definitely, if he gets cold he will cry to let you know,
Libby's room is 24 tonight! She's just in a sleepsuit with no blankets, and is sleeping like a princess :sleep:
missac said:
gotten down to 25, the windows are now open and I am all worried!! I think I may change him into a short sleeved vest when he wakes up for his milk.

Ooooooo I'm sorry :( :hug: Debs room eventually got down to 22 degree's last night but is already 23 this am *sigh* Having said that, she's on the baby gym in front of me in our lounge where I don't know the temperature and she looks fine lol.

Emmylou, I'm glad Libby is sleeping so well bless her!

Kellie, how did you get on with Nathan in the end? If Debs goes down for a kip during the day and her room is hot, I just put her underneath a sheet not a blanket.

At the end of the day there are babies all over the world and the ones in hot countries must do ok :D I reckon I'm just a fully paid-up member of the nervous new mummy club lol.
gingerpig said:
Kellie, how did you get on with Nathan in the end?

I went in and put his fan on and took his blanket off. He must of liked it cos he slept through last night! :cheer:
He probably like the noise from the fan as well. At that age they like that sort of white noise.

Ellie was far too hot last night and all she had on was a sleep suit. I even had the window open and still the coolest the room got to was 23 degrees. As a result she woke and needed a feed at 2am and then again at 3am. I am now so tired, do you think work would mind if I just slept for a bit. :sleep:
Morning, well I went up at half ten and it was still 26 so i sat on the edge of the bed staring at him umming and ahhing and ventually took him out and took his sleepsit off and changed it for a vest. He then ent back down and woke up, so I gave him some milk thinking this will miss out the 12-1ish feed. He woke crying at 1 out of habit so I ket him settle himself then he woke up at half two and apart from a few ten minute slots here and there that was us!! I am so tired. Don't know whether it was because I woke him up at 10:30 and unsettled him. The room never went below 25, I am going to open the wondows thi afternoon and keep them open all evening until his bedtime.
our room always seems to be 24- 25 degrees...he sleeps in a vest, babygrow and a sheet.

i open window in the day to try get the temp down. I do have a fan but it seems to not have much effect on temp .
I don't think our fan had an effect on the temp either.
gingerpig said:
Ooooo congrats! Was that the first time?

Well it was about the 3rd time. Its the longest hes ever slept for though. 9.30 till 7.15. Yay!
Well the water cooler fan thing is on upstairs, and the temp is now 25 lol. Debs is downstairs with me in her bouncy chair having a lovely time making it sing and she looks fine. I guess babies coped before mummies had baby monitors with flashing temperature displays!
gingerpig said:
I guess babies coped before mummies had baby monitors with flashing temperature displays!

Well yeah! I really don't know how I survived being a baby. I was born at the end of June and my mum always insisted on wrapping babies up really warm. She always moans at my now if the kids haven't got jackets on even in the scorching sun. :roll:
Jakes room is usually anything between 23-26 as it is hot in our house. If it is about 23 I put a babygrow on him and a 1 tog grobag and if it is nearer to 26 then he just sleeps in a babygrow.

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