Roasting hot baby!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
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Like, ROASTing hot.

****please read**** it may help, I know it's long, sorry xx

Cay was a big grump all Monday morning. Slept for three hours Monday afternoon (unheard of). When he woke, I lifted him and he was baking (he'd been laying on a bed in just a nappy) so I phoned NHS, took his temp (38.6!!!), gave him nurofen and took him the doctors.
By the time we'd been docs, his temp was 37.3. Hot for him but not unusually so, given the weather.

Tuesday, woke up at 38. Gave nurofen and it went back to 37.3 again. He was alright for most of Tuesday, although grumpy all day.

Wednesday, he was generally hot and bothered, hung around the 37.8 mark all day apart from an hour after nurofen.

Today... Seemed okay this morning, dropped at nursery, phonecall from nursery at 14:30, temp was 39.1!!!!!!!
Back to the doctors, temp check, looked in ears, listened to chest, looked at throat.

Now been given amoxicillin for him, he's had one dose before bed tonight, and we'll see how tomorrow goes.

He's had a horrible dry cough for about three weeks now, but because it was intermittent, not constant, we didn't worry too much, just gave him cough syrup and got on with it. With him starting nursery a coupla weeks ago, we figured he'd just picked up a summer cold.

Apparently, the tonsils are there to help "catch" infection. So, instead of getting something their teeny immune systems can't handle, the tonsils capture and contain the infection.
It's really common in kids for this reason, and less common in adults as their immune systems are more developed.

So, if bubba has a temperature, and a cough, ask doc to check the throat! Xx
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Oh no....poor cay! Hope hes on the mend soon. I have a horrible tickly cough atm so just waiting for eilidh to catch it :( xx

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We have had a few of those after starting the nursery. They are not nice. I did find he would nurse a lot more and we have had to feed pureed soups and fruit pots

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Poor baby! :( Ethan had tonsillitis 2 months ago and it was horrendous! We also found out he was allergic to the amoxycillin too. I found giving him lots of fromage frais/cold angel delight helped to soothe his throat - it's all he would eat!
Hope little man gets better soon xxxx
Awww hope he's better soon x

Tapatalking. X
Thanks for letting us know - hope the poor little babba feels better soon xx
Well, we picked up Cays medicine (liquid Amoxicillin) yesterday (Thursday) after he'd been seen and prescribed. Gave him one dose before bed (2.5ml), and he woke up this morning back to his old self! He's been hot a coupla times throughout the day, but just hot-weather-hot, no real temperature. He coughed a coupla times, but even that seems to have dropped dramatically through the night.

He's got a weeks worth of meds, so I'll give him the lot, but he honestly seems so much better already!

Please please, if bubba's got a temperature, ask your GP to check for tonsillitis. All they do is look in their mouth, takes two seconds.
Cay's had his cough for a month now (believed to be the start of it), and it was such a quick fix to see him happy again. Xx

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