Repeat Prescriptions


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Can anyone who has a prescription that needs to be refilled every month please tell me how it works for them? I have to take a medication for my whole life, but the only way I can get it refilled every month is by going into the GP's and filling out a form. This seems wrong for a lifelong medication!
As far as I know you have to go back to the doctors each tme- we did with E's reflux meds.

Could they not precribe you for longer?

I used to have my pill perscribd every month, then got it every 3 months and now I have it for 6 months at a time.
Of the two parts, the part that i keep i can tick the repeat medicine i want and hand it in at the gps and then they reissue it then i pick it up and get the meds from the chemist
My Oh is diabetic and therefor on tons of meds which i have to sort out :roll: but basically when you get your percription there is normally 2 pages a green one which is the perscription and a white one which usually has the repeat on which you keep and then drop in to your gp to get reissued you will have to see your gp sometimes so they can keep an eye on you, if you havent a repeat then the next time you go maybe you should ask why its not and if you can make it reapeat.

Also on the repet bit it will say you can order 1/2/3 more times or it will say see your gp for more if it says that just tick it anyway and leave it at your docs and they normally give it to you anyway (they do for us)

Hope that helps sorry if i have rambled. :D
Thanks, I will look into the Boots one. I usually go to an independent pharmacy. Maybe I will see what they do. For some reason I don't get the type of prescription with an order section on one half. I asked and they shrugged it off.

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