Reliable opk?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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I'm not TTC but using opks as contraception (not the smartest I know but no other option) the control line is weak on all the ones I've used is it reliable??
there are plenty other options!!!! if you do not want to be pregnanct why do this?

opks do not work as contraception, you ov 12-48 after lh surge (+results) but sperm can live for 5 days prior to conception so the day you have unprotected sex because you did a test and it was negative, you can still get preg as you can never predict when ov will happen.
What do you mean no other option? There are loads that are MUCH more reliable!
I agree with the other ladies - you can go to see your Dr and you will have a vast array of options.

OPK's are not a reliable method of contraception :shock: :shock:
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opks are a terrible method of contraception lol! as the ladies say you dont necessarily ovulate when you get the 2 dark lines, it can be upto 2 days after! and sperm lives for 5 days too hun

i would stop using this method before you are posting in tri1 x
Medically and personally I have no other options..

I know how it all works as I used opks to conceive my second.. Just wondered if a faint opk control line would be reliable?
We usually wait for the darker lines to indicate OV in nxt 24/48hrs.
Not the feinter ones. But like the girls have sed.....this is not a form of contraception so there are never any reliable ways to use it as one hun.
I know girls who have got feint lines all thru out their cycle and have fallen preg.

Well I have been suggested to use OPK's by my GP when I had first got my implant out and I didnt want to use the pill due to weight gain, this was so that I knew when and if I was ovulating. I have heard of this aswell before some people using the cheapies, but it sounds like too much work and theres always room for that wee oops! to happen, be careful lovie :)
The lady has already said she has no other options medically, she shouldn't need to elaborate. If it was me I would tend to stick to dtd at the start and end of my cycle. There are charts online tha say your chances of conceiving at any given time of the month. A lot of days are as low as 1% (which bearing in mind is the sae chance as some contraceptions!). Try get to know your cycle see if u can pinpoint when your ovulating and try find out if your cycle is clockwork first. :)

Thanks ladies
I have pcos so very irregular cycles..
Wanted to use a bb thermometer and opks to chart my cycles etc, but this bunch of tests I've bought the control line is faint so wondered if they would still be accurate?

I know the risks of using opks as a method but we do want another child at some point so it wouldn't be the end of the world.. Just want to prolong it for a bit if we can :)
Hard to tell really hun to be honest but I hope it works for you xxxx
a faint line can be positive just 6 hours later! it is called an lh surge for a reason! honestly opks by themselves will do nothing. if you are serious and want to avoid all medical intervention you should do bbt charting. however with pcos it may be more difficult but if you do it correctly and follow the rules it can be highly effective at preventing pregnancy. carry on as you are though and you'll be in tri1 before you can say "where do i buy a themometer"!!
Like I said babe I'm using a bbt and opks to chart my cycles.. I just wanted to know if these tests with faint control lines (not test lines) were reliable or not
I've charted with bbt and opk when I was TTC my second child

Thanks x
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I imagine that.

PCOS + OPKs + BBT + withdrawal method on days that it might be getting a little close to Ov but no +OPK yet.

Is probably pretty sound contraception.

I'd maybe go by checking for EWCM too. As I get that a couple of days before my +OPK but everyone's different so you will know your own signs. Xxx
Awwww good luck hun watever u decide anyway.
None of us were being funny before we all just didnt no u had experience and didnt want u to slip up! My sis has PCOs shug so know all bout it.
Hope things wrk out for u shug!

Jules i dont think anyone was trying to pry about the ladys problems i think we were just trying to help hun.

this is not the right place to ask advice on how NOT to get pregnant to be honest as we are all desperate for our children to come?
this is not the right place to ask advice on how NOT to get pregnant to be honest as we are all desperate for our children to come?

Yep - maybe you can ask for it to be moved OP?

We all use OPK's to help us get pregnant :shock:

Oh my.....

Eeeeeek! I was thinkin same ladies, i just didnt want to say owt.
(im a wuss)
Sure she didnt meannnnn to offend us tho?

Lets all be happy happy happy!!!:dance:



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