Regulation of AF.


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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I had no period after having Oliver, for nearly 11 months. But now I have had 4 in 6 weeks and have started bleeding again today. I am still bf, although only morning and night now. I am also on the mini pill (can't remember which one, but not Cerazzette!). I sopke to a gynae consultant at work sneakily and he told me to double up my pill for 2-3 weeks, then drop back down to 1 a day and it would hopefully settle. Far from it! It stopped for 4 days, then back to squae one again!

I'm at a loss now! I will go and see my practice nurse at some point this week, or next. But in the meantime, has anyone else had this problem? And if so, how did you resolve it??
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Sounds like the mini pill doesnt agree with you to me Cat.
sounds the same to me. when my periods came back after havin katie, i had one week on, one week off for 6 weeks or somethin silly, then got pregnant again!! ooo that'd solve it ;)
does sound like its not agreeing with you hon :( perhaps a change in pill is needed. i no sometimes it seems best to try a few to see whats the best. :hug: hope you feel better soon xx
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I agree with the other girls, poor you :(
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The mini pill did this to me too. As well as turning me into a ravin lunatic.

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