reflux? or something else? :-(


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2007
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connor's really not been himself yesterday and today :(

i think it might just be his reflux flaring up and i've put him back up to the maximum gaviscon dose. previously his reflux has mostly been about the vomitting; now he's being a bit sick, but not as much as other flare-ups.

instead he's arching, and crying as if in pain almost constantly between feeds. he sounds like he's losing his voice now... he's feeding every 2 hours and not sleeping as much as usual. i think that maybe it might be silent reflux this time but i'm starting to worry that it could be something else. he doesn't have a temperature...

i've just read this back - i'm gonna take him to the docs i think. i hate seeing my little boy so unhappy :( :(
it could well be silent reflux as when christopher was that age he did the same, inbetween feeds he would just arch his back and really really scream until he had screamed him self to sleep. my HV used to say it was just colic but our GP saw him doing it and told us it was reflux. until recently (last 4 weeks) he had always dont the same thing even with solids. He would eat then an hour later he would be arching his back screaming and nothing i could do would sooth him.

gaviscon never worked with him either, but he has been on Ranatadine for the last 3 months and he has chanhged so much and is eating better, although he does have a bit of a phobia with food now, i think he links it to the pain he used to get.

so finaly after 15months of reflux and constant crying we are free (touch wood it stays that way)

let me know how u get on and feel free to PM me if u want advice as we have been to hell and back with this bloody reflux :wall: :wall: also remember we have a refulx support thread over in feeding section xxxx
Sounds very much like silent reflux to me too, Eva does exactly the same, the doc happened to see an attack and put her on gaviscon which does help but its so upsetting when feeding ought to be the greatest comfort. :(

I did learn today that reflux can get a bit worse just after a growth spurt as the oesophagus can take a little while to catch up and the sphincter from the stomach doesnt close properly for a few days. This is pretty much what we are seeing in eva at the moment as I know she has just grown, lots of babygrows are suddenly too short! So I am hoping after a few days she will settle down again and not be in so much pain.

Hope your doc was helpful :hug:

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