Reduced movement....question


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2013
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Hi ladies. I went to the hospital this afternoon as I'd hardly felt any movements since yesterday. This is the second time I've been in with reduced movements (was in last Weds morning). As soon as the midwife had a feel to see which way up baby was he/she started wriggling about and didn't stop the entire time I was on the trace...! Which is obviously a good thing but made me feel a bit daft! :whistle:

Anyway, as I've been twice they are going to make me an appointment to see the consultant and have a scan just to make sure there isn't anything wrong. I was just wondering if anyone else has had to see the consultant because of reduced movement and if it means anything (i.e. that they'll be keeping a closer eye on me)?

I'm 30wks+3 by the way...

Thanks xx
at about 29 weeks i had the same thing all was well i think my little one just went through a growth spurt and slept lots but now im 35 weeks he still has quiet days i just note them down and see the patern to his movments.even if its justa tiney flutter rather than a sharp jab u will notice ur babys patern and know for defo it its not right dont feel daft its only instinct as a mum to worry and thats what profesionals are paid for xx
That's standard procedure in most hospitals hun.

Its like a two strikes rule for the bubbas haha.

Im sure all will be fine, and at least you get to see baby again :) x
I was referred to a consultant and had 2 scans hun. Been up 6 times for reduced movement! Everytime i went up he shown me up and moved perfectly on trace.

Its just standard procedure like the others have said.
I only saw the consultant for 10mins to say shes very happy with scan, growth, health etc and i can still have waterbirth on midwifery led.
She has asked i return on my due date for a chat if i havnt had baby by then. But not sure what she wants to discuss.

But if they r happy with everything dnt panic, i think they just have to offer u the service so they have covered everything xx
I have had 2 episodes of reduced movement and they brought my 32 week scan forward to 29 weeks baby flipped breech so movements all different.
i had similiar around 30 weeks little moo went quiet - got to hospital and boom she didnt stop and now is very active
they seem to be over cautious which is really good
I'm quite impressed that they've taken me so seriously tbh - I've seen some other ladies posting on here about really miserable midwives making them feel silly so I'm glad they've all been really lovely to me (so far!).

I've had a call this morning asking me to go up for my scan at 3.30pm today - I was told yesterday that they probably wouldn't be able to fit me in until next week so I was a bit taken aback but pleased that we'll get to see bubs again today - fingers crossed everything is okay. Will need to make sure we can't see any 'bits' though as we're team yellow!! x
Scan was fine yesterday. Baby's measurements were absolutely spot on for head and belly and he/she has long legs (no idea where they've come from as me and OH are both short arses!). I've got to go back for another scan in two weeks but at the min the consultant is happy with how everything is going. Baby is still less active today but I'm taking it to mean he/she has just slowed down a bit.

Quite funny moment in the waiting room - the radio was on and OH was (quietly!) singing to bump to Michael Jackson and the line "if you're thinking of being my baby it don't matter if you're black or white"....a few minutes later he pipes up with "actually it sort of does matter doesn't it?!" - we're both white so I'd have some serious explaining to do if baby wasn't!! We both had the giggles then and were getting some very funny looks.... :)

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