Kicks count has lots of useful information on monitoring movements.
They advise that babies don't run out of space or go quiet before Labour, it's a myth.
Your babies pattern of movement shouldn't change and any differences you notice should be checked out.
A reduction or change in movement can be the first sign that your baby is unwell.
Of course it could be something as simple as the position baby is in, but you won't know that for certain unless you go in for monitoring.
Is it really a myth? Why has my mw told me when baby gets larger movements will be a little different like pushing and turning ( still there though perhaps similar times a day ) every time i have asked? Confused since we seem to be many here with similar patterns? Always good to get checked of course xx
Sorry, perhaps I didn't explain myself properly.
It's a myth that movements slow down or stop due to a lack of room. Your baby should develop a pattern of movement (there is no set number of movements anymore) and they should maintain this pattern. Any change or reduction in movements, you should contact your mw as it may be necessary to go for monitoring.
Hopefully that makes more sense?