Recommend a high chair - calling all mums!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2012
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It's that time when we need to start thinking about weaning AKA how much mess can i make before mum notices, and I was hoping some of you with experience could offer some recommendations. We're on a tight budget so I'm hoping to spend less than £30 if possible.

What have u found better, wipe down chairs or washable covers? What's the most important feature(s)? and what should I be avoiding? I've had a look at a few but not sure about the practicalities!
This one from ikea

With the tray and insert its the best- cheap as chips and does everything you need. Dead easy to clean down, the legs come off easily so of space is tight you can out it away

Loads of people recommended it to me. So I bought one, and one for my mums house, and one for the caravan we have!!

If baby is ready to wean you don't need anything fancy IMO like reclining seats- they sit in them to eat, and that's it!!
I will double that for the ikea one! Also most restaurants use it too!! X
I think it also depends what your LO is like - Alex is incredibly strong and very wriggly, so our main requirement was that it needed to be sturdy, and have over the shoulder straps. We have the Mothercare Arc which is great but was about £60 in the sale when my parents got it. I think you can get similar ones for less though, or look for it second hand.

The holiday cottage we stayed in at Easter had the Ikea one and it was fine, certainly very easy to clean down etc., but it didn't feel as sturdy, and Alex was twisting all over the place in it.
We had an exspensive Chicco worth over £100 which is now folded away in the cupboard...
It was to bulky and a pain to clean. We now use the ikea cheapy and i love it as does O

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I agree about the straps. We have a Cossato Noodle which does have these straps but they don't seem to tighten enough (maybe I'm doing something wrong!) so Aela tries to rock backwards and forwards in it. I dread to think how much worse it would be without over the shoulder straps! xx
Ikea all the way! We've been using it now for a couple of years and it's still going strong.

Best bit is you can take it outside and hose it off if it gets annihilated.

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I got a cheapie (about £25) from Argos when O was about 12 weeks so that he could sit at the table with me when I was having dinner. I had intended to then move it on come weaning time & buy a better one but I've grown to like it & think I will probably keep it now.

thanks all, I've had a look at ikea, the only downside I can see is that it doesn't fold, but that shouldn't b a problem once we move, I saw one Highchair for nearly £300 earlier, couldn't believe my eyes!!! I'm starting to think I should sell baby stuff for a living!
I've used ikea ones several times and they're fab.

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thanks all, I've had a look at ikea, the only downside I can see is that it doesn't fold, but that shouldn't b a problem once we move, I saw one Highchair for nearly £300 earlier, couldn't believe my eyes!!! I'm starting to think I should sell baby stuff for a living!

It doesn't fold, but the legs come off easily so it can be put away still :)
I use my chicco polly several times a day. I love it and find it really sturdy. The ikea ones are no good for my girl cause she decides enough is enough and throws a wobbler to get out and thrashes about if im not quick enough. She done this in a resturant and I nearly fell iff my chair stopping her lol. Shes a diva though and meal times are not her fav!! Xx

I just got the toya r us one for 30 quid. I love it. Has a detachable tray and ao easy to clean x
Yep we spent about £95 on one from mamas and papas. It reclines, but we have never reclined it. It has white straps that are a nightmare to clean as is then padding on it.

I used the ikea one in a restaurant and it was fab!
Also a fan of the Ikea one, we have one at each grandparents house too!

And like the poster above said, the legs come off for easier storage.

baby giz born 6th Feb 2011
next one due 12th Aug 2013
we have about 4 ikea ones in various locations in the country and they are great but we were given an oxo tot one which we mainly use, but too pricey for us to buy I think.

something with a seat post is essential i think!
We have the Ikea one with the view to get a wooden Stokke one when C is a little bigger. I genuinely really like the ikea high chair. It's easy to clean , loads of places have it and its cheap!! Xx

We have this one

It's a loan from my sister, so we didn't have to buy it.

It is cumbersome and doesn't fold down all the way but it is a very good chair. It is sturdy, easy to clean, the straps come off easily (I agree with Lynds - white straps are a nightmare!) and James is comfy in it...

Its suitable from birth so we've had James in it well before weaning - he has always loved to watch us eat.

We have the mamas and papas pixi highchair and its been fab! Xx
Ikea for us too! Although the main one we use is our Phil and Teds clamp on one that is attached to our kitchen island.

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