Really visable brown rings around nips and sickness.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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:wave: girls, just me again!
im still trying to convince myself im not pg but its really hard as i have been no/off sick all day to the point where i run to the bathroom and open the window to make myself feel better. iv went into town and got a bag of strong ginger root and 2 big bottles of ginger beer and its helping a huge ammount. i also bought 2 cheapie tests and took one lastnight as i havnt taken on for 8days. no bfp. i was due on AF on the 2nd so i am pretty late and thought for sure it would say bfp! but no, still no bfn, stil no AF. still huge dark rings around my nipples and a little hard bloated stomach thats got slightly harder over 2weeks. what is my body up to??? :wall: xxxx
In another thread (can I stil be pregnant after neg HPT) someone wrote :

Hcg can be so low for some woman that it wouldn't show on a hpt until you are 5-6 wks PG!!!!!!

Also there was someone whose sister never got a BFP even when she was really far gone as the HCG was not going into her urine.

Think these are rare occurences but you never know.....

(sorry cant remember the peoples names who wrote the above)
well as long as AF stays away for you its never to late for a BFP, my sister was 4 days overdue b4 her BFP.
Good luck hun :hug:

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