Really tensed- need advice on breast milk


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Dear All I have joined this section today after delivering my baby last week on 3rd. I m really tensed and thought of asking u all. I ended up loosing a lot of blood during forceps delivery around 7.5 but was still discharged. my breast milk started on day 4 but is so less. not more than 10 min on each boob. i was topping up with aptamil. 2 days ago i ended up getting readmitted in hospital after diagnosed with infection. they gave me 3 units of blood. i m feelin better now but my breast milk is still not improved. can u plz share ur experience and advice on how can i increase breast milk plz...i will b very grateful..thanks
So glad you're ok - can't imagine how you must have been feeling if you needed an extra 3 units of blood! And congratulations on your baby! I'm not doubting you at all but what makes you think that you don't have enough milk? Is he feeding but still hungry afterwards or does he seem content after feeds? One of the best things you can do is just breastfeed him as often as you can - the less you need to supplement with formula the better if you do want to get back to exclusively breastfeeding. Even if you don't feel you have much milk left, your breasts are never truly empty, and just allowing him to feed will stimulate the production of more milk. My son only ever feeds for about 10-15 minutes at a time and that was enough for him, so he may be getting more than you think.

If you have a pump you can also pump after each feed - even if you don't get much out you are still simulating breastfeeding to some extent, and will signal to your body that you need more.

There are also herbal supplements that you can take - you can buy fenugreek in health food shops and it is supposed to boost milk production x
I've moved this to the Feeding and Nutrition section for you as you should get more replies here x
Hey I developed an infection with my Chloe now 3 weeks old and was supplementing with aptimil for a bit now I'm exclusively breastfeeding even went through oral thrush with her - if it helps Chloe only feeds 5 mins a side don't even feel like she is sucking that much for at least a 3 hour gap and sleeps through most doctors and midwives would prob say it not enough but last two weeks she has been gaining about 5oz a week. All I can suggest is even if baby is sleeping wake baby up every three hours and pop baby to breast as more stimulation will increase milk supply and lots of skin on skin contact will help with the let down reflex that helps the milk flow also warm pads on ur breast when feeding helps let the milk down too or a pre feeding massage xx

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hey, congratulations on your baby and sorry you've had such a rough time. I think it depends on your views towards bottle as well. I never produced enough milk for joshua and my milk came in really late as well (about a week after birth) and so topped up with formula all the time. Even when milk was in inever had enough. Eventually i decided to pump milk out so i could see how much he was getting so i knew he was full and then eventualyl stopped. There are lots of techniques you can use for promoting breast milk. Such as squeezing the breast (well more of a massage) whilst feeding him, pumping even after after a feed to promote production, there are herbal remedies as well as other drugs you can to your MW they are quite helpful at hlping you out and it may need a trip to see a BF specialist... i personally found that doing these techcniques took all the pleasure away from breast feeding and i used to start resenting it as he'd be feeding from for about an hour before then having formula. Also another tip i was offered was to do 5 mins on breast, 5 mins on another breast and alternate ( cant remember the science behind it) and also i was told 15-20 minutes per breast should be enough on each (joshua used to spend approx 16-17 hours each day on my breast as he just never got enough). Needless to say as we had to start measuring his feeds so as to put gaviscon in i had to stop anyway and hes ventually much happier....(he has a cows milk allergy and is lactose intolerant nd so regular formula made him unhappy, just started on nutramigen)

Hope some of the advice helps. Let us know how you geton but apparently the best thing is to try and b.feed as much as possible for stimulation!! Joshua is only 6 weeks old and he's my first so those with more than one child might be a little more helpful..... :)

Sophie x
I'm sorry the first couple of weeks has been so hard. My mum had to build her milk up again as the hospital supplemented me overnight with formula and she was advised to just sit on the sofa, with me on her lap and feed every hour or so and completely on demand. Enjoy the rest and cuddle time and make people bring you tea!! The hormones will kick and produce more milk on demand but it will take a few days. Hope you have a supportive family around you - make sure you eat enough too (anything and everything) as you shouldn't underestimate the amount that giving birth and feeding take out of you.

Don't worry too much about short feeds. Your baby is still learning so doesn't need too much initially - they are born with reserves :)

Hope things get easier soon xx
im really intrested in the answers here i had a major infect after daisys birth iv only just finished all the meds i was on i was duel feeding but due to the last lot of meds i had to stop so gave up totally but this week with a bit of encouragement from a lady at sure start centre im trying to get some flow going again i will still feed with formular mainly but want as much boobie milk as poss but im down to a dribble but hey ho a dribble is better than anything i now need to increase suppy

dont feel bad by the way not all births go to plan iv got quiet low being so poorly and not feedng her as much boob milk but at end of day as long as they happy and content it not the end of the world xxxx
@serenitylove Wow! That must be incredibly hard work to go back to bf after giving up totally - you are very impressive indeed!!!!!!! x
give horlicks a go SL - anything malted is supposed to increase supply! lots and lots of skin to skin time, with free boobies aswell if possible too helps!xx
give horlicks a go SL - anything malted is supposed to increase supply! lots and lots of skin to skin time, with free boobies aswell if possible too helps!xx

thanks il get some tomoro not heard of that one befor im gona try anything that may work
Dear All..Thanks so much for the advice..I was really feeling low and weepy all the time. I have ordered breast pump and will also start horlicks and fenugreek herbs..I am feeling better in pain and also not feeling that weak so hoping I will be able to feed my son more..Thanks again for all the support

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