Rant and moan


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2016
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Anyone not enjoying tri 2 as much as everyone says you would? Thia is just a big rant. I feel so guilty everytime im not enjoying pregnancy cause i should be happy im pregnant. Just every day its something. Im fed up having a stuffy and yet at the same time runny nose and I sneeze so much (pregnancy rhinitis not hayfever). Tmi alert, Ive never produced as much earwax or discharge in my life, im constantly achy, cant get comfy to sleep, still not eating well and just muh! Lol. Sorry for rant, tri 3s gonna be loads of fun. Its nothing major and i know, i know i should be thankful. I am, i truly am just need a rant! Sone people make this seem so easy!
We all get irritated and fed up sometimes! Especially at this stage in Tri 2, it's almost like we're so close to the finish line yet so far away lol!

I have terrible discharge, so much of it throughout the day that my underwear is sometimes soaked through by the time I get home from work (gross I know!) I'm also not sleeping well either, by the fact that my body wakes itself up randomly or the fact that I need to pay every hour or so! Not only that, but at the moment we're at the point where there's not a lot of movement either and it doesn't seem obvious for everyone just yet that we're even pregnant! :( Tri 2 is definitely a slow road!

But don't worry, I understand entirely how you feel! xx
First pregnancies can be daunting. My first pregnancy was spent 9 months of being sick to the point I barely kept even water down. I was miserable.

This time for me Ive loved every bit of my pregnancy, and I can say that because Ive been through 9m of shit so feel I can be happy that I dont this time round :p

We all get frustrated or ill from time to time, I just try remember someone out there always has it worse than me.

I'm with you! i'm sick of people telling me they loved being pregnant haha!

I'm like, well I think it's shite!! :lol: I'm still waiting to glow, haven't felt any movement really, and generally feel like throwing up most of the day... it's wonderful!

I'm sure it's all worth it in the end though, and i'm just jealous of everyone enjoying it!
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My friend has moaned about her pregnancy since day one. Thank God she's due soon because I'm fed up trying to be positive for her.

Think whatever side of the spectrum you have it good or bad its exhausting listening to someone on the other side either moaning or being well/happy :lol:

Think it always helps to be positive at least for 9 months. Id probably be sick of myself moaning had I had to listen to myself for 9m :rofl:

My friend has moaned about her pregnancy since day one. Thank God she's due soon because I'm fed up trying to be positive for her.

Think whatever side of the spectrum you have it good or bad its exhausting listening to someone on the other side either moaning or being well/happy :lol:

Think it always helps to be positive at least for 9 months. Id probably be sick of myself moaning had I had to listen to myself for 9m :rofl:


absolutely, I do try my best to plaster the smile on gaga xx I try not to moan to everyone because I do my own head in enough! xx
Ive noone to talk about my pregnancy too. Just here really. My friends are all single and don't really want to know or care, so its just my poor hubby lol so noone even knows how down i am about feeling crappy!I am happy and im lucky im pregnant and not as sick as others im just sick every other day but can still work, that's my silver lining, im well enough to work. Hooray lol. Im sorry. Just needed to vent!
Stage is yours that's what the forums here for lol.

Yeah sometimes there's only so much positivity you can exude when your feeling like shit.

I'm with you, I'm 19weeks, still got morning sickness and sleeping pattern is all over the place xx
Yep... Tired, grumpy, discharge, sore boobs and stress about nit feeling baby move much... Waiting for the magical tri 2!! Xx
Hey this is first and I'm so grateful to be pregnant. However I mc before this and have spent every day thinking it will happen again. I dread going to the loo as I'm terrified il be bleeding ect. Iv had colds throughout and headaches which make me feel sick. I thought tri 2 would be better but my anxiety has continued. I'm now almost 37 weeks and possibly having an induction due to what I think is reduced movements, this could be my anxiety and me thinking/waiting for it to go bad... Iv not enjoyed being pregnant at all and I'm so gutted. I wanted that glow and all I got was spots haha. My husband tells me.to enjoy being pregnant but I cant. I feel bad for not enjoying it as there's so many ladies trying desperately and yet all I do is moan. I would like to tell you tri 3 is better but I'd be lying. Your back starts to hurt your belly gets uncomfortable and the last week iv had nausea which is common at this stage. Your tired but to big to get comfortable in bed and the discarge well it gets worse lol plus ur nippes leak.
I am however thinking I'm near the end and it's in sight which makes each day a bit easier and I know at the end of it il have this beautiful baby in my arms and all the crap has been worth it. Please try to enjoy ur pregnancy a bit, I'd hate for you to feel how I feel as it's not nice and as we both said being pregnant is amazing. X
I fully get the anxiety part. Although i havent had any mc or anything my anxiety was bad before nevermind now! Oh tri 3 sounds just delightful! Haha. Just trying to think of the end, fully all worth it. I do feel so guilty for feeling luke crap!

My oh said to me he had an awfilnight sleep night before last because he had to get up to pee and he was grumpy all day. I just glared at him. Like really! Lol.

Just think of all our babies on the way! Then its even more sleepless nights then more constant anxiety! Hooray! :):)
Ha I'm totally with you on this!! It's an amazing feeling knowing you have a baby growing inside you but the stuff that goes with it is not cool!! For me I can't control my emotions- very unusual for me as I tend to keep it together normally! Now the slightest thing sends me into a blubbering wreck!
I ache, I'm tired cos I don't sleep! I'm anxious about everything! I feel huge!! Ha! But never mind I know it's all worth it!! But I feel better for getting that off my chest!! Haha!
Im glad im not on my own, think we should keep this thread for days we really need a rant. Im a blubbering wreck today so unlike me! Cried the whole way through an episode of NCIS, like really!
Im glad im not on my own, think we should keep this thread for days we really need a rant. Im a blubbering wreck today so unlike me! Cried the whole way through an episode of NCIS, like really!

Excellent idea!! I'll probably post everyday!! :p
I'm quite emotionally stable today! Which is nice, my poor team at work are never sure what state I'll be in, but luckily my work is quite informal
the other day I cried because one of my team came to me and showed me all the food a customer had left in a mobile home for him when he went to clean it! ( I manage a campsite for a holiday company in France) he's only 18 and Dutch and never been away from home and he was so happy I cried! Poor kid didn't know what to do with himself!!!
I'm still waiting for my pregnant glow :-/
I'm on my second and forgot that is don't enjoy pregnancy as much as j thought I would!
Actually I preferred tri 3, b cause although you're big and tired and achy, you have this lovely big bump and moves and kicks and you are so visibly pregnant to everyone. At the moment I just feel fat!

If you haven't seen it, watch the film "what to expect when you're expecting" it's a bit of a cheesy film, but is spot on when they talk about the "glow" x
Hey Mac hope u feeling ok today. I am emotional too nearly cried when I didn't get some pineapple today wtfffff!! Haha. I just want to go to bed and the headaches..... We all with you! Xx
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Im having a meltdown over not finding chewits! Blackcurrant ones. Like come on.

Im actually alright just a headache but baby is hiccuping and somersaulting away today and its really cheered me up! Still light feeling but getting stronger every week! Its amazing. Mum said i looked really ill today and pale, my reply was maybe my pregnancy glow is glow in the dark :):)
I've not been enjoying this pregnancy at all. Not because of symptoms though (not had any at all) but because we lost a baby before Xmas at 17 weeks due to an abnormality, I am constantly terrified that something is going to be picked up at each scan I attend. I'm 16 weeks today and so the wait until 20 weeks feel so long. May go for a private scan next week to break it up a bit and give me some reassurance.

I do keep getting pain on my right side, but does seem to link to trapped wind tbh - not experienced that in pregnancies before.

It's not helping my pregnancy anxieties with this being twins - I then worry about getting past 20 week scan, all being ok but then having pregnancy complications due to being high risk!

Plus I'm growing at a seriously quick rate compared to previous, feels every morning my belly has grown an inch lol though that's to be expected with twins in there!

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