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Rant alert, so upset!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Why do people think its ok to tell you "you're massive" I'm very paranoid about my size anyway and I'm always on a diet etc.
Hubby convinced me to brave a photo on Facebook as we're away for a few days and now I wish I hadn't.
It's like people I've not spoken to for ages have piped up just to tell me how huge I am! I'm not measuring big etc so I can't be that big can I?
I'm just really upset and mad at myself now cause there's some lovely comments on there too which of course never mean as much as the bad ones. And I know they'll have no idea how I'm feeling in myself etc but I would NEVER tell someone "you're massive"
Am I being over sensitive? I haven't reacted to any of the comments but its just made me feel crap :-( xx
when pregnant ppl think its a compliment to tell you that either your huge or your neat. they dont realise that they dont need to comment on bump size. YOU ARE NOT THAT MASSIVE hun your perfectly sized for your babys needs so just relax and ignore them cos they dont know what theyre on about and are just saying something for the sake of it
Some people are twats! I recently got told 'surely its gotta be soon, I can't see how u can get any bigger!' Wasn't sure how to take that but stuff them!!
Easier said than done I know... I'm also one who is normally always on a diet and very self conscious. I lost 3st the yr before getting pregnant so I was always careful to keep it off-I've put ALOT on since being pregnant :( when baby is here and settled ill be joining slimming world again and hopefully breast feeding too so that should help. Xxx

Tapatalking. X
People just feel like they have to say something don't they I've been told omg your bumps tiny and then the next day ill get your hugeee !! As long as you and your baby are ok they can all do one
I just don't get how people think its ok to say it, surely they know telling someone they're massive isn't a compliment? I lost quite a lot of weight in Tri 1 and I've actually only just got back up to my pre pregnancy weight but now I'm just paranoid x
the think saying your bump is massive is a compliment as some women are quite proud of their bump, a massive bump is a growing baby being well fed in some ppls eyes, so its like saying your doing a good job growing that baby if you get me?

i either get ooh can really see a bump coming now or ppl dont know im preg cos im fat anyway lol so i dont get comments and ive had a convo with a few ppl about it and that seems to be what theyre thinking
Awww hun :( *******s!!

Its starting to get at me now aswell.
And i hve to pop into work tomorrow and i havent seen anyone from work since i was 33weeks. Im dreading it cos i know someone will say 'omg ur huge' !!! :shock:

Ive put on almost 4 st now and even tho post is my fault due to eating ALOT its starting to show and i dnt want to be reminded.

Try ad just think o te nice comments ppl have left hun. And ignore the others. Like u said post r from ppl u havent even seen or spoken to in ages.. Waste of space and their comments dnt matter :hugs: xxxxxx
It's annoying either way to be told you're huge or you're tiny. Folk just say it for the sake of it I think. Totally unaware they are hurting your feelings :roll: Sorry you've been made to feel bad hun I'm sure you look lovely and blooming. Like Dani says focus on all the lovely comments xxx
You look gorgeous and pregnant so just ignore any comments like that, they've got no idea what they're talking about!! Xx
Thanks girls, can always rely on you lot to cheer me up a bit :) x
I get this constantly people always comment on how big I am and ask stupid questions like are they sure there's not two in there or are they sure if ur dates? Wtf?! Piss off! I even had a random guy run his stomach and shout oh twins to me as I walked past him in the town centre to go get my bus!
Take no notice Hun people are just idiots! X
Iv been dealing with this since about 25 weeks, had some really innappropriate comments, I actually began to feel embarrassed about it, as if I should apologise or make excuses for it which is totally ridiculous. Im so proud of my massive bump now especially as I reach the final weeks, and I realise I won't have it for much longer.
I can completely relate! I was unfortunate/fortunate enough to go through my pregnancy with a good girlfriend from work who had the smallest bump Imaginable! She was 5 weeks ahead but everyone would
Make comments about how much bigger I was! I got really upset bout it, until my friend opened up to me and said how much she gets upset when people say she's small, like she's not doing something right to help baby grow etc. I then realised no matter how big or small, some people just feel like they have a god given right to comment cos there's a baby in there!!

It's not like we would go up to them and be like 'wow, your massive! You sure you only had one pie at lunch?!' - although it is tempting!! ;-)
Sadly ppl think it's a compliment they don't understand big hugs you are gorgeous every mummy whatever there bump size is performing a Miracle we are all growing a real live mini human in there that to be is amazing :) be proud a bump is a bump :)
Awww I can so relate to this. My manager tells me almost every day that im massive! Even though for past two weeks I have measured under. Yesterday she said 'no way can that bump possibly get bigger'. It really annoys me, she does it really loud so everyone looks. I told her I was measuring under and she just said 'impossible'.

But I love my bump and although her comments annoy me, I dont really care what she or anyone else think :)
I wish I didn't care. My boss is quite funny, he never really knows what to say and in my meeting the other day he referred to me as "getting very pregnant" haha I had to laugh cause he's so awkward when he has to talk about it x
awww hun, you're healthy and beautiful and pregnant. people are idiots! I get thoughtless people telling me my bump is so small, which is actually annoying too! They make out like there might be something wrong and there isn't. Also one woman at work feels the need to tell me how 'wide' my bump is as it doesn't stick out much. It's not exactly a flattering comment!
Try not to let it get to you, facebook can be a killer for every man and their dog putting their tuppence worth in. I got told spd is normal the other day and that every pregnant woman gets pain, as if I'm making a fuss about nothing...GRRR

Why do people think its ok to tell you "you're massive" I'm very paranoid about my size anyway and I'm always on a diet etc.
Hubby convinced me to brave a photo on Facebook as we're away for a few days and now I wish I hadn't.
It's like people I've not spoken to for ages have piped up just to tell me how huge I am! I'm not measuring big etc so I can't be that big can I?
I'm just really upset and mad at myself now cause there's some lovely comments on there too which of course never mean as much as the bad ones. And I know they'll have no idea how I'm feeling in myself etc but I would NEVER tell someone "you're massive"
Am I being over sensitive? I haven't reacted to any of the comments but its just made me feel crap :-( xx

Hiya babe, ive just had a look at your pic, u don't look 'massive' at all. U look like a pregnant lady. Don't take no notice of what ppl say, sometimes they need to think before they speak. My sis in law has been saying im huge since day 1 of pregnancy and it made me really para. She's not said it the once either, its every time I see her. I kept asking my oh if he thought I looked huge and he said no, u look pregnant.

Don't get upset by peoples comments. My bestie came up from London the other week and she said I was glowing and looked really well which made me feel loads better, and that's just what u look.

Now goo enjoy the rest of your hols :) xxxxxxxx

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