

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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.. If I Cancel My Direct Debit To NPower.. Will They Turn My Gas Supply Off? What Will Happen?

The Reason Is That Its Due To Go Out On The 15th But I Dont Want To Pay Until The 20th, Sooo... Will I Get Into Trouble Or Will I Just Get a Letter? If So, Does Anyone Know When The Letter Will Come Beacuse It Will Probably Be Paid By The Time They Complain. Whats 5 Days After All? :think:
I bet they'll send a letter.

I think you'll have to fill in a new direct debit form which they'll send u.
Nah they'll just send you a letter saying ur D/D has failed and u owe XX amount :) then just pay it when ur ready and set up a new D/D ;)
I agree with the others, they will just send a letter and then you can pay it and blame it on a banking error :wink:

Be aware though, if it happens again or with any bigger bills you'll be better off giving them a call and letting them know the situation or it may mess up your credit rating (speaking from experience lol)
:wave: xCarly

I work for npower business and i don't think they will turn your gas off for missing 1 DD normally if a business customer misses a DD they will try and take it again a few days later.

If you ring them you should be able to arrange for them to take it out on the 20th this month instead of the 15th :D
Excellent, Thank You :) Iv Rung Them This Morning Just Incase Lol, Id Have Been Worrying All Week Otheriwse :|
I'll grass on you because I work for npower :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Only joking, prob won't notice until like 3 weeks later tbh :roll:

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