

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2006
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I am now 2 days over due, Still no sign of AF, and I just tracked back all my cycles for the past 10 months, they are all 29 days. Plus I am like clockwork my AF always starts at 10am!!!!

Am quite concerned now, as I have never ever missed a period or been late. I did have the cold last month, but i just checked and that was during last cycle, i thought it was this cycle, so i cant blame it on that.

I had afew AF symptons on Friday, which made me believe my period would start on sunday As planned. However all symptons have disappeared.

I only ovulated at Day 19, so this means am only at 12DPO.

I couldnt wait any longer and decided to take a test, It came up with a line in the wrong direction. Am presuming this means its a negative, but the line is just as clear as the control line. I have decided am going to hang on and not test again until near the end of the week should AF still not appeared.

I know there is a glimmer of hope and am trying to remain as positive as I can..... If there is no sign tomorrow there has to be something up.

This is not at all normal for me. Also i have had very thick CM all the way from 5 days before ovulation and up until now, thats not normally what i get at all either.
:lol: I wanted too as well!!! But the OH said wait another day!!!!!
test again test again! If the line went the other way surely it was a dud?
Thnaks everyone going to test agian first thing tomorrow morning!!!
If your cycle is always 29 days, what day do you usually ovulate (If you know)? This should be the same as well. What I'm getting at is that if Day 19 is late for you to ovulate, then AF would definitely be later, because (apparently) the amount of time between O and AF is always the same. Any delay is caused by a later ovulation.

So if you normally ovulate on say Day 15, then you Oed four days late this time, meaning you should be looking for AF on Day 33. And if she isn't there by 10:00am, you should definitely test!!

Good luck
margaret said:
If your cycle is always 29 days, what day do you usually ovulate (If you know)? This should be the same as well. What I'm getting at is that if Day 19 is late for you to ovulate, then AF would definitely be later, because (apparently) the amount of time between O and AF is always the same. Any delay is caused by a later ovulation.

So if you normally ovulate on say Day 15, then you Oed four days late this time, meaning you should be looking for AF on Day 33. And if she isn't there by 10:00am, you should definitely test!!

Good luck

On all my months I either ovulate on Day 16, 17, 18 or 19 and that is with my regular cycles, so no there shouldnt be a delay, not with me anyway. Teh last 2 months iv ovulated on Day 16/17 the 4 months before that Day 18/19 and this month Day 19 I got my positive. Either way my lenght of cycle has never changed.

PS DAY 33 like you say is tomorrow

Everyone is different
have u tested yet???
hope its good news
i'm testing 2moro and i've had more cm than normal too
Hey everyone!

I got a negative! But she still hasnt came yet, I am now getting AF symptons so i think shel prob turn up tomorrow or saturday.

I did speak to the nurse when i was in getting blood tests today for something else, and she said i have lost a stone in 6 weeks (I blame it on that flu bug! I had in december).... and thinks this is why this months cycle is messed up.

It would explain it.
Ta Chellie.

Just dont know what to do for a ticker, I set it up as a 31 day cycle but just realised iv done dates wrong eg should be Day 1 today!!!!!!!

Dont want to set it as a 35 Day Cycle as I think it was only messed up due to what the nurse said! So i thought if i set it up as a 31 it will meet it about half way.

OPK's will be a must again this month.

I never started temping this today!!! Il do it next month once cycle is sorted and back to the norm.
Well I'm not temping either this month Lainey so we can be OPK buddies!

If you set your cycle to 31 but make sure you start OPKing as for your normal cycle you shouldn't miss Ov. then you can adjust your ticker as needed.

I always end up changing my ticker every month anyway!
Thanks Chellie do you think i should re set ticket to show am on day 2 and not day 4 and put it back to a 29 cycle?

Yep looks like we are going to be going thru it all over again together!!! I actually am glad there is someone here ovulating/testing afew days apart of me....

I just ordered 50 OPKs off fertilityplan!!!

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