Pushing head up and back under pillows!?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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For a short while now Isaac's been doing something a bit 'odd' :think: When he's going to sleep in bed with me, he will lay on his side, then push his head upwards and backwards and only seems satisfied when he pushed up against and under my arm, or my face, or a pillow :shock: Anyone else's LO do this? What's it about? I know he likes laying with muslins over his face, or other towel like objects :shock: that in itself is enough..
my second son used to do that! (now 16) he also used to lay totally under the pillow too, with it longways so his body was covered with it from head to foot, he did it for quite a while but it was the only way he would go to sleep, it may be a boy thing.
Nathan does it too. It doesn't look to comfy to me, like his necks bent to the side. He seems to like it too. Both Aimee and Nathan will only sleep with a blanket to rub their face on :?
Mine loves to have her face stuck in something. We often find her with toys or blankets clamped to her face.
Grace does exaclty the same when she comes into our bed. We move the pillows apart and put her inbetween Dh and myself. Then she turns on her side and moves herself until her face is completely pushed into the pillows. I used to worry about it but didn't matter what I did she woud find something to cover her face.

In her own cot her pulls all her cuddley toes into her arms and snuggles her face into them before she goes to sleep - it is so sweet
:shock: wow my LO is exactly the same, he kinda arches his back so much to hide his face into my arm or chest, he also like to have his eyes covered with a muslin, only during the day mind when he's with me...I would never do this at night or when I can't see him! :shock:
I have read LO's like pressure on their head as it reminds them of being in the womb, safe and near Mummy hehe Plus the covers over face thing is said to be associated with breastfeeding, but non-breastfed babies do it too. Still, its odd and very annoying when he's trying to get into 'that' position and I can't help him :roll: Babies just get more extraordinary everyday :lol:
lol millie always pulls blankets and teddies over her face

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