

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2005
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Hi girls!

This is my first post, so here goes! lol

I have been on BCP for a number of years and these past few months i've been getting a little forgetful in taking them.

I went on holiday on the 24th june and because i was due for af while i was away i ran two packets of pills together.

Well i was due for af yesterday and she hasnt arived. But for the past couple of days i have had the smallest amount of light brown discharge and then nothing.

I've been feeling a little nauseous this past week also, and was sure that af was going to come know that feeling you get down there, but nothing. sorry tmi :lol:

So girls what do you think?

Oh and i have no money either till the end of the month so cant buy a test, spent it all on holiday, lol
Well still no af after 2days, hmmm :shock:

Are headaches a symptom as i've been having these for the past two days.
Lind you really need to do a test to be certain, go to the docs they can do one free of charge or maybe a family planning clinic? The discharge thing could be pregnancy related or could be down to missing pills etc. I had cramping when I fell pregnant and was convinced my af would arrive but never did. I also have had headaches but they didnt start until 10 weeks or so. Along with morning or as it should be called anytime it feels like it sickness. but again that didnt start until 7 weeks. Do you feel any differently this month to any previous times you've done 2 packs together?
You could very well be PG, take a urine sample to your doctor they will test you for free.
hiya thanx for your replies.

Well the thing is when i have run pills together in the past i have always come on the same time, even if i missed a few pills in the pack.

I went out and got some cheap tests today and because i was being impatient i tested and it came out bfn. Maybe the pills are makin my body go funny :lol:

Well im due to start my next lot of pills 2moro, do you guys think i should just carry on even tho i not had af, or do u reckon test again in a few days with FMU.

I would still go docs and ask for their advice and why you may have missed
Hi Lind,

I would advice that you still go to your docs and ask him/her to take another test... I remember when I 1st took a test.. It was those 1st response ones 2 wks after my period was due and The 2 I took both came back negative, I then bought a Clear Blue and the results were clear....

Anyway Hope your Ok...
Love Danielle and Bubble xx
hey all,

well i have just got back from the docs and i explained to him that i hadn't got a period, and he sent me for a pregnancy test even tho i said it will prob be negative as i have already took one, and it came out negative as expected. So he said to carry on taking my pill this month and if i dont get af again then to get my butt back to his office :lol:

Sooo now i got into my head i might have been pregnant, im seriously considering persuading my boyfriend into getting jiggy with me and start trying. :lol:

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