Hi girls!
This is my first post, so here goes! lol
I have been on BCP for a number of years and these past few months i've been getting a little forgetful in taking them.
I went on holiday on the 24th june and because i was due for af while i was away i ran two packets of pills together.
Well i was due for af yesterday and she hasnt arived. But for the past couple of days i have had the smallest amount of light brown discharge and then nothing.
I've been feeling a little nauseous this past week also, and was sure that af was going to come yesterday...you know that feeling you get down there, but nothing. sorry tmi
So girls what do you think?
Oh and i have no money either till the end of the month so cant buy a test, spent it all on holiday, lol
This is my first post, so here goes! lol
I have been on BCP for a number of years and these past few months i've been getting a little forgetful in taking them.
I went on holiday on the 24th june and because i was due for af while i was away i ran two packets of pills together.
Well i was due for af yesterday and she hasnt arived. But for the past couple of days i have had the smallest amount of light brown discharge and then nothing.
I've been feeling a little nauseous this past week also, and was sure that af was going to come yesterday...you know that feeling you get down there, but nothing. sorry tmi
So girls what do you think?
Oh and i have no money either till the end of the month so cant buy a test, spent it all on holiday, lol