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Pregnant on BCP????


New Member
Mar 17, 2008
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Hi everyone! I've been lurking on this site for a couple of days, hope someone can help!
I've been on BCP's but during this month I missed quite alot of them 5 or 6! I'm not sure how many but I know it was quite a few. I came off them to have my weekly break and have not got my period. Its been exactly a week since I came off them now, so I'll have to start on the next pack today. I've never missed my period before when on BCP and in the past where I've accidently missed a few pills, normally causes me to come on early. For over a week now I've been having cramps similar to AF, the kind I normally have once AF has already started- not as severe as before I come on. I've felt as if I'm bloated out. I also had a migraine, and have needed to pee more often. I've had no bleeding or spotting, but I have had an increase in CM that is white or clear. This is pretty unusual for me, as normally its only slight whereas at the moment I keep thinking I've wet myself!! And its def not an infection. I felt sure I was pregnant and took a clearblue nondigital test today, but it was negative. I don't know whether to believe it or not as I felt so different to normal, could it be wrong?? I wondered if anyone on here got pregnant while on BCP and when it showed up on the test. Could I have tested too soon? Before BCP I used to have long cycles lasting about 6 weeks. Any advice would be appreciated, feel like I'm going mad :shock:
I think Danni who's now in 2nd tri got pg while she was on the pill so she could probably offer you some advice.

if you missed a few pills in the middle of your cycle then there is a chance you could be pg and your body is just not producing enough HCG to be picked up on a test yet.

If you're really worried about it you could contact your doctor and explain the situation and ask them for a blood test

sorry I'm not much help
the only way to find out for sure hun is to test hope you get the result you want :hug: xxxxx
is the BCP patches?? if so, i got caught pregnant while using these, i think, looking back, i could have missed a couple also (only used them for about 2 months!!) so yeah you could have caught!!!!
thanks for all you really quick responses!! Its pills I'm taking, the most I missed were at the middle and end of cycle, so I suppose that makes it possible to not show up in tests yet...
I had the same thing and theres two ways it could go 1, because you missed so many pills you could have ovulated and become pregnant this is quite possible but not a dead cert many people have to try for quite awhile to become pregnant with no protection at all but there are lots of people that have gotten pregnant on the pill too. 2, your not pregnant and the missed pills have messed up your cycle considerably (this is what happened to me)

When I had this problem my doctor told me to test with first morning urine on the day I should start taking pill again and if negative to start taking pill as normal but to test again in a week to be on safe side, all my tests were negative I had a small bleed half way through that pill pack and then a proper bleed when I should the following month.
Good luck hope you get result you want! :hug:
Hey! Firstly, welcome to the forum :hug:

I got pregnant while on the pill. I took it religiously (even to the point of the exact time every day) lol because me and my OH hadn't been together very long...

...Anyway, I went to the docs because I hadn't come on during my break and had headaches and she tested and said I was pregnant :shock: Turned out I conceived during the 3 days I took antibiotics AND the pill!

I didn't believe her because I'd been so good with my pills so I went to the Chemist, I bought 6 tests and also got tested there and then. They told me it was negative so I felt ok... Took the 6 tests and 4 were positive, 1 was faint and the other was negative!!

Wierd... xx
My sister got told that the start of the pil packet is the most important part to make sure you take as OV usually starts to occur after you have had your AF. Not sure how true this is as other doctors say differently. Hope it works out how you want x
i was told the worst time to miss pills is at the start and the end of the packet. you should have gone straight onto the next pack and missed the 7 day break! but, yep you could have caught!
thanks everyone! Still no sign of AF! :shock: I've decided to not go back on my pills until I know the situation. Am goin to wait till Thurs then take the other test. Hopefully that will be late enough to be accurate. Danni what tests did you take when you bought 6? Which ones gave the positive and negative reading- just curious! Also when did your doc do the test, how long after you'd missed ur period? Tho of course if I have conceived it could have been anywhere in the cycle I suppose :doh: I'm terrible at remembering to take pills. Its my boyfriends bday on thurs so if I get a positive result then it'll be some 27th bday present! He knows the situation but is freaking out a little bit. We have been together 1 1/2 years and he wants kids with me in the future, but he has a thing about bein 100% financially secure, and atleast age 30 before he wants to go down that road. Personally I don't think you can plan everything to perfection before havin a baby anyway, just cos something isn't planned doesn't mean its all wrong. But then I'm biased cos despite bein only 21 and at uni, I'd still be overjoyed to bring a baby into the world :D

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