Hi everyone! I've been lurking on this site for a couple of days, hope someone can help!
I've been on BCP's but during this month I missed quite alot of them 5 or 6! I'm not sure how many but I know it was quite a few. I came off them to have my weekly break and have not got my period. Its been exactly a week since I came off them now, so I'll have to start on the next pack today. I've never missed my period before when on BCP and in the past where I've accidently missed a few pills, normally causes me to come on early. For over a week now I've been having cramps similar to AF, the kind I normally have once AF has already started- not as severe as before I come on. I've felt as if I'm bloated out. I also had a migraine, and have needed to pee more often. I've had no bleeding or spotting, but I have had an increase in CM that is white or clear. This is pretty unusual for me, as normally its only slight whereas at the moment I keep thinking I've wet myself!! And its def not an infection. I felt sure I was pregnant and took a clearblue nondigital test today, but it was negative. I don't know whether to believe it or not as I felt so different to normal, could it be wrong?? I wondered if anyone on here got pregnant while on BCP and when it showed up on the test. Could I have tested too soon? Before BCP I used to have long cycles lasting about 6 weeks. Any advice would be appreciated, feel like I'm going mad
I've been on BCP's but during this month I missed quite alot of them 5 or 6! I'm not sure how many but I know it was quite a few. I came off them to have my weekly break and have not got my period. Its been exactly a week since I came off them now, so I'll have to start on the next pack today. I've never missed my period before when on BCP and in the past where I've accidently missed a few pills, normally causes me to come on early. For over a week now I've been having cramps similar to AF, the kind I normally have once AF has already started- not as severe as before I come on. I've felt as if I'm bloated out. I also had a migraine, and have needed to pee more often. I've had no bleeding or spotting, but I have had an increase in CM that is white or clear. This is pretty unusual for me, as normally its only slight whereas at the moment I keep thinking I've wet myself!! And its def not an infection. I felt sure I was pregnant and took a clearblue nondigital test today, but it was negative. I don't know whether to believe it or not as I felt so different to normal, could it be wrong?? I wondered if anyone on here got pregnant while on BCP and when it showed up on the test. Could I have tested too soon? Before BCP I used to have long cycles lasting about 6 weeks. Any advice would be appreciated, feel like I'm going mad