Pregnancy Tests - Did you keep yours?


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
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Was going through my Bounty folder where I keep all of my pg related things.. Just found my BFP in there.. Brought back all of the emotions from that day :) A lovely feeling! Anyone else keep their BFP's?
I've still got mine from Toby (lots of them :lol:) but I think my tests from Sam got thrown out when we moved house just before he was born.
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I took a photo of both of mine. The batteries run out after about 48 hrs I think so I took pics and they are in the baby album.
I didn't with Lily but still have my FR's from Jacks Pregnancy :D
Yeah I have a little container with Joes & Katies & the loss I had in between :)
i have 15 in all!!!! lol.And they are still strong one even is from 11 years ago x
nope i didn't, i did take some piccie's of the one's from the next day, but not from my original digi i did, which i'm quite sad over! i will definitely take loads next time!
i took pics of the ones from katie, but never got any this time. tbh they looked identical anwyay, so i could just pass them off as different tests!!
I did, but i seem to have lost them since. I have pics of them though :) xx
My cousin still has hers, her little boy is 8.. Pictures are just as good :) I think I will defo be keeping one for each pregnancy in the future
I never even thought about keeping them or taking pics. I feel quite sad now. I'll never get that back :shock:
I never kept any of mine or took pics, it never really crossed my mind too :(
I never even had a home test to take a picture of with my first so I wouldnt feel bad. :)
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I took pics cos i only used digis and they ran out of life :(
I didn't keep mine but only because the digital display went away after a day or two and on the other tests the display window went a bit discoloured.

I did take pictures of them though xx
I have kept and taken pics with my first pregnancy,
With this one I have kept all the ic's and will take a pic of them all in one go and taken a pc of the digi
Mine was the second one I done, but the first BFP.. I don't think I will ever be able to get rid of it
I still have mine in a box somewhere ^_^

I might whip them out a few months after my girl arrives and trick my fella :rofl:

I'm so cruel :')


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