Pregnancy symptoms or my imagination?(Sorry long post!)


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2011
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As some of you are aware I had a MC on 21 Jan, on my 12 weeks scan they told me I had a complete MC so I didn't have to go back to hospital etc, although I wasn't told to wait if I wanted to TTC. after I stopped bleeding total 6 days later OH and I decided we would try again and been bedding almost everyday since last Thursday.

Anyway the symptoms..

for past few days I have been feeling really exhausted all day like I could fall asleep with a drop of a hat but strangely I can't sleep and been wide awake til about 1-2am, I had a few flutters in my lower abdomen and my BB's are kinda sore and nips hurt too! I have a on and off metallic taste in my mouth?? this morning I woke up feeling very sick indeed and I actually threw up and hour ago!

HPT would obviously clear my suspicions but it's too early to test, I don't know if it'll all in my head as I really want to pregnant again, I did OV 4 days ago I had EWCM.

I'm trying not to get my hopes up but sometimes I feel my body's playing a sick joke!! :(

Again sorry for the long post but I needed to let it out or else il drive myself insane!!*
Sorry to hear about your loss. :hugs:

Sometimes your body takes a little while to settle after a miscarriage and I think some people do experience pregnancy symptoms after MC where their body is just taking a while to settle.

If you're 4DPO, then it's usually too early for symptoms anyway as implantation wouldn't usually occur til a bit later.

I'd wait and try a test if you're late but just be aware that sometimes cycles can go a bit AWOL after MC.

On the other hand, I've read that a woman is more fertile after a MC, so who knows? I'm sorry to say it's a waiting game hun. :hugs:

Hope it's a BFP though.

x x
Hi hon - am in very similar position to you (minus the mc - so sorry about that honey :( ) I am currently 6dpo and have had sore boobs, and cramping since 1dpo. Also I have been really knackered but then can't sleep - is that a pg symptom then? And have had some nausea... Have been going a bit mad with it myself as I'm sure it's too early for pg signs, but you just can;t help hoping can you and wondering what the hell is going on... I'm going to test on 10dpo which is Tues - seems like an age away! Do you know when your af would be due or are your cycles a bit messed up right now?? Let me know how your symptoms go anyway and feel free to rant away as I know how you feel! Hope we both get through it with our sanity intact and a BFP at the end of it! xxx
That's me too, but I can't help thinking I get those symptoms every month but just haven't paid any attention to them before. I am only 2 days dpo and am driving myself mad thinking about it already! Also seem to be going dizzy when standing up more than normal?? Good luck!!!! :dust::2ww:
Ceebee I have no idea when af is due ?? I know that i ov'd (ewcm) started bedding straight away... as for symtoms I'm convinced it's not all in my head, I'm going off food i once loved! nausea and extreme tiredness and insomnia, the boobies feel sore not to mention the metallic taste that lingers in my mouth all day and night arrrgghhh and lots of discharge sorry tmi! I dunno if I should hold out testing till end of feb? in case the witch turns up :( but I might just get some cheapies off the net and test on fri (11 DPO) what do u girls think???

Cay84 I'm not sure if dizziness is a symptom but everyone's different, I hope we all celebrate with a BFjuicyP this month, I swear I'm going crazy and driving the OH insane with me lol

Lots of babyDust to us all xxxxx
Munz - your symptoms sound good :) I would get going with those cheapies hon on 11dpo, if you can cope with the fact you may see BFNs for a while... So frustrating when your cycle is all over the place.... I don't think I'd be able to wait too long with symptoms like yours :) . Keep us posted on how you get on...

Cay84 - I've heard dizziness is a symptom of pregnancy - I felt quite dizzy yesterday too.... Not sure if I'm imagining half the things that are going on in my body tho!

Good luck and :dust:to you both xxx

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