Pregnancy of unknown location


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2010
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Well, I'm writing this post in here as I've resigned myself to the fact this is probably how my current 7 week pregnancy is going to end...

I had a private reassurance scan today - and they have found that my uterus is empty.
Everything looks normal and ok, no excess fluid, but they can't rule out an etopic - although they checked my ovaries so I'm pretty sure they checked the tubes too.

I have been referred to the EPU tomorrow morning...they will do scans, bloods, etc, but no idea what will happen from there.
I'm a bit lost really - just wish I knew what was going on.....
Hi lea, I went through this in April, went for a scan and uterus was empty was told was one of three things, too early to see anything, miscarriage or ectopic. I went through 6 weeks of hell with this, scans, blood test to check hcg. The hospital never located where the pregnancy was, so they treated me with methotrexate to abort the pregnancy. I was exactly the same, couldn't get my head around the unknown location part.

Hopefully yours will be a better ending where it's too early to see anything. Got my fingers crossed for you. Am here if you need to chat. Kate x x
I'm so sorry to hear this Lea what you a nightmare :( I haven't been through this personally with the unknown location but have been through a miscarriage at a similar stage and the hospital couldn't see anything in my uterus on my scan either so there was a bit of a tense wait while they decided whether I had already completely miscarried or whether it was unkhown location, i was bleeding though so a bit different and they decided I had miscarried in the end. Sending you lots of love, I hope you have your partner/family around to support you the best few days? Xxx
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Thank you for replying.
Keeponhoping- it sounds like I'm going to be doing something similar. They went that concerned as I'm not in any pain, so said one of the options is to wait and see - I said basically you are going to wait for me to miscarry then! A scan showed something in my right tube, and 2 possible sacs/cysts in my uterus ?? I can't believe you had to wait for 6 weeks, that's awful...
I'm going back today for my repeat hcg but it's the weekend so doubt I will get any answers today...maybe in the kindest possible way, I had some weird brown discharge last night and it feels like I'm on my period. I'm terrified because I can't imagine after 8 weeks, that this is going to be a normal one, I'm expecting a lot of pain....
Yep, it went on and on, think they wanted to see if it would resolve itself before giving such a powerful injection, but it didn't. I was going to the hospital every other day for a scan and hcg levels. I didn't have any pain either, just had some brown bleeding, at each hospital visit they told me if I had any pain to go straight to hospital as could have ruptured, wherever this pregnancy site was as they never found it! So going home after every appointment was horrible, imagining I had pain when I didn't as you almost psychologically think you have, so had to tell myself to get a grip I'm ok!

I was lucky enough to fall pregnant again in July, had to have an early scan at 6 weeks where a sac was seen in the uterus, thought great, can't possibly go through anymore this year, boy was I wrong, pregnancy didn't progress and ended up having to have my womb emptied! Then managed to pick up a horrible urine infection! It truly has been a bloody awful year, so I'm giving myself a break for the moment!

Sorry for rambling, lea, I really really hope things work out for you, hope all goes ok today, let me know how you get on. X x
Lea, as I said on other post, I'm so sorry your going through this. You need to make sure they are looking after your properly, request another scan and if it's different doctors doing your hcg etc make sure they know there was a possibility of something in your tube as that's potentially really dangerous for you if it's an ectopic. Keep us updated, thinking of you x
Hi lea, just wanted to say I have been through a similar experience where bloods were taken over a weekend and I did get a call late on the same night from the doctor. So hopefully they will call u, you have a right to know, and it's important info for them so they (and you) have an idea what's going on- they won't risk a ruptured ectopic so if levels are still increasing they will want to re-scan ASAP.
Sending hugs-this waiting business is brutal xxxxx
Well, the doc did call and my hcg levels have dropped by 12%.
I don't know if this is good, but I have also started bleeding. It seems awful, but it's probably the best thing that can happen...I have to go back again in 48hrs for more bloods, and I want to ask if they are going to check that everything has passed, once the bleeding has stopped. In a way, seeing the blood has helped with the closure, in a weird way, just hope it continues, 12% every 48 hrs doesn't seem a lot!

Keeponhoping - I'm so sorry, you sound like you have had one hell of a year. I can't imagine getting over this, then it happening again, it's a discussion me and hubby will have to have soon.

Bythesea - sorry to hear you went through the same...I think I live near you so was prob the same hospital we went too - Torbay? They phoned me about 3hrs after I had my blood taken, was pleasantly suprised!
Hopefully it will resolve itself. Just be prepared that if is a suspected ectopic, levels can go up and down, mine started to go down then rose up again and kept going up and down when eventually they ended it with the injection. I hope yours resolves naturally!

It has been a hell of a year, but I will not be defeated, hubby and I are prepared to keep trying but might start afresh in the new year and forget about this one!

I hope you're doing ok, let me know how you're getting on, always here if you want to chat! X x
Aw Hun, sorry it's bad news and you are bleeding. It can take a few while for hcg levels to return to zero but will probably have dropped dramatically at the next blood test- I think once the pregnancy tissue expels it drops quicker.

Yes I'm under Torbay hospital fertility clinic, and have been through 3 of my miscarriages with them. I live in Paignton. Feel free to pm me anytime lovely. I hope it's over quickly Hun.
Thinking of you Lea, I felt the same as you, the bleeding was final closure for me. I had cramping just before the bleed but it wasn't too bad, the nurse told me to take paracetamol or ibuprofen for the pain but I didn't need to. I'm still not fully over my loss, certain things set me off sobbing, pregnant women and newborns. It's just awful. Take time out to recover and I found writing down a sort of diary helped me. Hugs to you, I'm always here if you need a chat or a shoulder. xx
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Well, just an update...

Bleeding stopped, I passed two things, which I'm assuming where the two sacs they saw in my uterus. Everything going ok, even dtd, thought why not get back into the swing no if things, and then had a scan and bloods yesterday...

Unfirtybstky the scan showed the mass in my right tube has doubled in size, everything else has gone, uterus is fine and small, and my lining is now thin. But she was really worried about this mass. I had to be nil by mouth until my blood results and they prepared me to have surgery that day.

Anyway, went back to see the consultant/surgeon once bloods were back - my hcg is 34, so very low, almost clear, considering it was around 800. He said I could have surgery but I would lose a tube, or it may resolve itself, which is what he thought it would do. I was so confused, and he couldn't really answer my questions - because everything is so small, and the scans aren't great for looking at the tubes, it's been a lot of guess work.
He went to get a second opinion, and he said that both him and the other person think it will clear, or won't be an issue. It's either a cyst or the corpus luteum still hanging around.

Sooo, I'm just terrified now that when I next ovulate, it's going to get stuck! He said it will either get stuck or make its way through. I'm hoping my body will know something is wrong and send everything to the left! But I don't think I will be that lucky...
So, still in limbo, still off work, and still in danger of it rupturing.
Back again next week, and hopefully hcg should be down to zero.

I may try fertility massage - only 1 person near me, but it can increase blood flow and clear blockages, I'm just so scared of being pregnant again, yet so desperate to be pregnant again - my poor brain can't cope....
Oh god lea, what a nightmare, I'm so sorry. Things like that are so scary because you're completely reliant on the experts to tell you what to do.

If the doctor says it's ok I would maybe give fertility massage a go. I've had it a couple of times in London with a friend of mine who is a bit of an expert in that field. Check with doctor first though as it can be quite powerful.
Oh Lea you poor thing. I really hope this mass resolved itself quickly. You just want it to be over so you can move forward I bet? I'd definitely try the massage but maybe just run it past doctor first? Sending you lots of love xx
Such a horrible experience. Hope you get it all sorted soon lovely, hopefully your body will fix itself and recover soon
Sending hugs xxx
Thanks guys, just plodding along now, waiting for something to happen.

I'm focusing my attention on alternative therapies, I had acupuncture the two months before bfp, so may return to that. I've looked into fertility massage which promotes blood flow and breaks up any obstructions. This used with castor oil packs may help to budge whatever is still in there!
Not looking at using any of this to get pregnant agAin, just want my tube to be clear xx
I am sorry you are going throught this. If possible test the level of vit D and yr hubby sperm quality All the best
Hi Lea I've just read all your posts. So sorry to hear what a rough time you've been through. Fx it all resolves and you have some positive outcomes from the alternative therapies xx

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