Pregnancy Buddy Wanted :) -position filled!


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2007
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Hi Girls :wave:

Im due 23rd January 2013 and am looking for a bump buddy :)

Im a 24 year old wife and mum of two children (age 3 and 5) already!

Would like somebody who is due on or around the same date to be my buddy :dance:
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So far I'm due on Jan 20th (but you know what scans are like), I'm also Welsh and the baby is half from North Wales too lol (Dad is from Bangor)
Hi Sunshine!


Is this your first pregnancy? x
Nope, it is my second, however number 1 is 13, 14 in September!!! I only have a little bit of an age gap lol
LOL, like starting all over again isnt it? We didnt save any baby stuff or anything!
Well obviously I don't have anything saved, the only things I have is bedding, but that's only going to be useful if I have a girl. My Mum was only mourning the fact that's she's just given all my daughters old princess bedding to my next door neighbour, I was a bit slower in doing so luckily because there is a 50% chance it may come in handy.

Are you hoping to find out what you're having?
I dont think so, we already have one of each so i guess it doesnt matter either way!

My hubby is convinced is a girl though!!!!

How about you, are you going to find out? :)
No, strictly team yellow! I have thought about it, especially as I am a knitter and want to get stuck in to cardi's and hats, but I love a newborn all in white, so what the hell, LO can wait a few weeks for its first frilly cardi or boyish one
Yay! It's great we're both on team yellow!!
Have you been trying for long? We had been trying for over two years, so glad it's finally happened
hello im 26weeks preg, and have severe arthritis especially in my hips, im only 18 and this is my first baby, my midife thinks its the best idea for me too have a c-section, i do aswell as it will help m hips afterwards! Ive got an app at the hosp at the end of this month to discuss it.. do you think they will offer me a c-section or want too try me naturally as its my first?? replies pleasee! :)
BSG, why don't you try a new post in the Tri1 or Pregnancy chat boards or even the high risk pregnancy boards, and I am sure there might be someone around who might be able to help. For all my high risk pregnancy woes, arthritis, thank goodness isn't one of them, and not one I'm clued up on..

Good luck though and welcome to PF :wave:
Morning Sunshine!

We weren't trying all that long no!

Are you all booked in with the midwife etc? They denied me an early scan so I have to wait until 12 weeks!
Hey Terrie and Sunshine.
Im new on here and im due Jan 24th. I have my midwife booking in appointment on 27th June......seems like such a long time away!!! Expect my first scan will be after then.... Im feeling excited and nervous all in one as it will be our first!! And we didnt have much time to mentally prepare as although we planned to get pregnant it happened straight away......eeeek I was hoping it was going to take at least a few months!!!!
Hi tiggy

Welcome to the forum!

First appointments always seem so far away don't they?

When we were TTC our daughter we got pregnant straight away too, it was a bit of a shock!!!

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