Preg in the UK but likely to move to USA soon - help!

Feb 19, 2005
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Hi All

I'm 10 weeks pregnant and all is going well as far as I'm aware! Very nauseous all day long, but they do say that's a good sign... :?

Anyway I'm wondering if any US based mums (or should I say moms - have to learn the lingo! :lol: ) can help me out - my husband has a job opportunity which will mean us moving to the USA during my pregnancy. We are quite concerned about the implications of this for the pregnancy and birth - mainly we're worried about whether we'll be able to get health insurance for me mid pregnancy which will cover the pregnancy and birth and then the new baby. Obviously his company will be paying for our health insurance, but they don't yet know about the pregnancy. So my question is will new health insurance in the USA cover a "pre existing" pregnancy?

Its all new to us as health care is "free" (i.e. you pay through your taxes) here in the UK.

Many thanks for any advice you can offer, and good luck with all of your pregnancies! I'm sure I'll post more on here as time goes on, as you look like a friendly and international bunch!

:D Hilary
Where about are you moving in the us? I'm not sure about insurance companies...
Hi Alicia

We'll probably be moving to Troy, Michigan.

I've been doing lots of internet research on the insurance issue today and it doesn't look good :( it seems most insurance requires you to have had the policy 12 months before they'll pay for preg related things (including birth) - I can see their point as once you are actually pregnant you're not really insuring against a risk, just asking the to pay for something which (touch wood, cross fingers etc.) will happen. It looks as though I'll have no chance of getting insurance as I'll be 20 weeks or so by the time we move!

This all means I may have to stay behind and give birth in the UK, then travel out to the US once our baby is born :cry: If we can't face the risk of my husband not making it back to the UK in time for the birth I guess he can't take the post in the US - which would be a pity as it'd be great for his career, and allow me to be a stay-at-home-mum for a couple of years, which we just can't afford for me to do on his current salary, with the cost of living in the South of England where we live now.

Does anyone know Troy in Michigan? We thought it would be Detroit at first, which doesn't look like a very nice place to live, but the company now say Troy, which looks better but I can't find that much about it on the internet.

Thanks for the reply anyway!

:) Hilary
What type if insurance does the company offer? It would be worth looking into through the company and getting information. Which insurance companies have you looked into? Have you checked Blue Cross?
I'll look for some others as well and let you know.
Hi Alicia

Thanks so much forlooking into this for me! :)

Blue Cross seems to be intended for the Phillippines - at least that's what it looks like on their website. Do you use them for cover in the USA? Also pregnancy doesn't seem to be explicitly mentioned, so I guess I'd have to call them and ask.

My husband has now found a German company (he's German originally) which covers German ex-pats in the USA and which would cover existing pregnancy but only if the insurance is corporate, not if we take it out independantly - so that could still be an option. Its really expensive (something like $6500per year for the 2 of us) so we'll just have to hope the company are prepared to go for that policy or one like it.

Hopefully we'll be able to work something out!

:) Hilary
good luck , funny i always wanted to live in the uk , i was suposed to take a trip to england this spring but found out last wee that #2 is on the way i am so upset i am so anxious to go there
Hi Hilary,

If you are still checking the entries on this forum I would be glad if you can let me know how you solved your situation. If anyone else can help that would be great, too.
My girl-friend and me will move to Maryland, USA in August. She worked as a researcher in the UK and has already terminated her contract that will end mid of August. Until then she is covered by the UK health insurance system. Now we realized that she became pregnant a month ago. We have no health insurance for USA yet and wonder if there is a chance to get into one in spite of pre-existing pregancy.
Best regards.

hi welcome to the forum..

congrats on your pregnancy and good luck with the move too :hug:
:wave: hi
i kno ali K lives in the US, i cant think of any1 else who might b able 2 help :think:
Welcome and congrats!!

Regarding the insurance do you know who you are going to be insured with. Are you going in with a green card or a workers visa?

If you are going in with a job already - talk to the company as they will probably have their own medical company and get contact details.

You WILL get insurance you wont be stuck!

If you want more info PM me. I am waiting on my green card to move to Houston but I have family there already so I can get them to check for you if need be!

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