predictor pregnancy test


Jan 31, 2012
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Hi ladies,

I took a predictor pregnancy test this afternoon and there is a faint pink line there which me and my other half can see but I am worried as I used this brand last month and got a positive result and then came on my period the next day!! Has anyone else used this brand and got false positives?

I am going to re-test in the morning but I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight wondering if I am or not!!


Hannah xx
Hey hun

I've used these before and didn't get a false positive. In fact, the day before I got my BFP with a CB Digi, the predictor was BFN.

I'd be waaay too impatient to wait until the morning but, if you can, I'd get another brand and test with both (pee in a pot and dip).

Really hope it's your BFP hun!

PS - we're all avid line spotters so feel free to post a pic of the test and you can get another few opinions :) xxx
Well that gives me hope! I'm going to see if I can put a pic on. I want to get excited but I don't want to end up disappointed again!!
I totally understand. I'd be the same!

Keep positive though, I've everything crossed for you :) xxx
Can't get a pic to load up but thank you so much. Xx
If you're unsure about Predictors, try another brand, a First Response would be good. :)

Hope it is your BFP though. :dust:

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I'd try a frer I got a BFP on one of those before I did on a cb digi then all of a sudden my weeks went mad on the conception indicator and doubled in about a week, could be twins but who knows.

Good luck for morning and I hope you get the result you want

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Hey hun

I've used these before and didn't get a false positive. In fact, the day before I got my BFP with a CB Digi, the predictor was BFN.
I had more or less the same problem. ic was pos in the morn, predicter test said neg, no hint of a line. cbd was pos the same night x
hey girls have used the 'predictor' pregnancy test and am really confused about the results.

On the leaflet it says wait 5 minutes, after 5 minutes there was only a really faint line, on the FAQ it says if line develops after these 5 minutes you are still pregnant. a line appeared darker after 10 minutes. i am very confused has anyone had these problems? thanks xx
hey girls have used the 'predictor' pregnancy test and am really confused about the results.

On the leaflet it says wait 5 minutes, after 5 minutes there was only a really faint line, on the FAQ it says if line develops after these 5 minutes you are still pregnant. a line appeared darker after 10 minutes. i am very confused has anyone had these problems? thanks xx

Id do another one just to be sure.
Hi han_c hope this is ur bfp fx crossed let us know how u get on xx

Douglas991. I'd do another test try a frer good luck

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