Pre-eclamsia - 2nd time mums


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2006
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I had this mildly with my first it was controlled by tablets and i managed to have him naturally on his due day. but i want to ask someone who has already had who have had a 2nd baby (we are now trying for a 2nd) did you get it again or did you have a normal pregnancy?
Thanks in advice :hug:
not quite what u were asking hun, i didnt get it with my first but had to be induced at 35+5 with my second due to pre eclampcia
sorry probably didnt explain it very well. i wanted to know how likely it is for me to get it again if/when i have a 2nd. if i had it with my 1st... if that makes sense?
I had it the first time along with every skankin side effect you could imagine....induced at 32weeks. Perfect pregnancy and birth this time
This was a major concern of mine when we decided to try for another. I had pre-eclampsia fairly badly the first time round. My consultant told me that there is a general risk of about 10% in a second pregnancy if you've had pe. This may sound high, but if it does happen again, it is usually less severe and happens later in the pregnany.

I did get pre-eclampsia again, but this time I held on until 36 weeks, and my son was born weighing 4lb 15oz and only needed a week in scbu.

You will probably be offered more monitoring during pregnancy, but you should be fine.

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