

Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Hi everyone,

Just wondering if anyone knew anything about pre-eclampsia? My MW said I might be showing early symptoms of it - but says she cant test until 26 weeks.
From what I have read so far, It usually occurs from about 20 weeks - but can start sooner, and it can be dangerous - but I really dont understand what it is ??
I am getting very bad migrane headaches, spots in my eyes, still feel sick - but not being sick, very swollen tummy (quite high up and feels all bouncy to touch! Very weird!) And bad abdominal pains - I nearly left through the roof when MW was trying to find hearbeat because it hurt so much!

Has anyone else had it, or know of anyone with it? What will it mean for me and baby? I am quite worried and need to see the doc, but they cant see me for a week. My MW is useless.

Thanks in advance

A worried Piglet xx
sorry hun, dont know anything about the condition. just wanted to say i hope it turns out to be nothing :hug:
If you really feel that bad then i would suggest you call your local PAC (pregnancy assesment centre) they would also be able to tell you if you have pre eclampsia.

Hope you feel better soon.
i dont know an awful lot, just what I've read, i know it's cured moment u have baby. I hope everything goes ok, let us all know xxx :hug:
Hi Piglet,

What your MW said about being unable to test for PET before 26 weeks is rubbish. :roll:

I had PET with my first son. for me it started at around 31 weeks but it can affect you earlier in pregnancy (I read on another site of a lady who had it from 12 weeks).

The first symptoms I had was raised blood pressure. Then I got puffy feet, legs and later a swollen face. Next was protein in my urine which showed as a "trace" but then became much more. Finally I started getting the headaches and flashing lights before my eyes (particularly when on the loo :oops: ). That's when I was admitted to hospital to be monitored and by that stage I was 33 weeks.

If you are displaying the symptoms of PET then you need regular monitoring, like every week, from now on. Blood pressure, urine and checking for oedema (swelling/water retention) is a necessary step.

I don't mean to scare you by anything I've said. PET is a "potentially" dangerous condition but it's usually instantly curable.... by having the baby.

Please do get a second opinion if you are worried at all. Your GP should be able to see you about this or you could check with your hospital Ante Natal ward.


I dont know much about it either hun, but i think Sabrina described it very well :) if you need ressaurance go see your doctor :hug:
Thanks everyone. I can't get to see the doctor until next monday, but am going to ring every day incasde she has a cancellation.

I'm sure it's bound to be nothing and I'm worrying over nothing - my blood pressure is normal - the worst thing is the violent headaches, swollen tummy and abdominal pains - but it could be something else?

Thanks again

Piglet xx
Hi Piglet,

had to reply to this post as I did my PhD on pre-eclampsia.

The problem occurs at implantation when the foetal cells don't invade the mothers arteries far enough. It just means that the blood supply to the baby isn't as good as it should be.

Generally the baby sends out signals into the mothers circulation to say "hey! I'm not getting enough blood!". There is considerable debate as to what the actual signal is that the baby sends out, but we do know that it causes the mothers blood vessels to divert more blood to the baby to compensate, which causes the high blood pressure.

Other symptoms are swelling in the hands and feet or more generally.

Most of the time, if you catch it early enough you can modify your lifestyle accordingly to make sure that everything progresses normally. You just need to take things extra easy. There are other things, I can email you the intro to my thesis which gives a lot more info if you like.

It's only if it's left unchecked that the more serious later symptoms can manifest, but that is relatively rare.

Try not to worry, the baby will do everyhting it can to protect itself, which is why the mother feels so crap in pre-eclampsia.

If you need anything else just pm me and I can send you more info via email.
pigletpoo said:
Thanks everyone. I can't get to see the doctor until next monday, but am going to ring every day incasde she has a cancellation.

I'm sure it's bound to be nothing and I'm worrying over nothing - my blood pressure is normal - the worst thing is the violent headaches, swollen tummy and abdominal pains - but it could be something else?

Thanks again

Piglet xx

A week is a long time to wait for an appointment. (Sounds a lot like my surgery :wall: ) Have you told them the reason for the appointment? They should be able to squeeze you in somewhere.

ive had to of your symptoms but the black spots ive seen have gone. ok im taking note to tell midwife. ty for symptoms u had :)

ive got info on it somewhere u could search net
I really think that a week is far to long to wait if you are worried that you have pre-eclampsia or anything else. You can always go to your PAC they always see you at least within a couple of days.

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