Potty training - arghhhhhh


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2013
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Hi all,

As the title suggests I am starting to potty train my son who will be 3 at the end of July. So far we are on day 3, day 1 - 5 accidents and no wees on potty, day two - 2 wees on potty, slight accident with the second but nothing major. Seems to hold his wee in until he bursts. Day 3 held wee from 10 am until 3.30 when we had an accident but then the remainder we managed to get on the potty. Yesterday he did say to me mammy wee wee before he did anything ( only once) but today he hasn't given me any prior warning.

Any tips from anyone? Does this sound "normal" ?

I'm not sure he's ready as he's not telling me when to go but whilst we have some time this week thought I'd try. He loves putting his pants on as he chose them himself. And will sit on the potty with a bit of persuasion but will not sit on the toilet at present.

I'm trying to not get stressed about it but also feel like I've been locked up In the house/garden for three days solid.
We are doing potty training and have been a few months now.

Jackson didn't tell me at first but I just started letting him go bare bum at home, watching his ques and prompting him to go. We tried the toilet with adapter and he was terrified so bought a decent potty and proceeded with that. He was also on a timer at nursery so they take him every 30 minutes in a wee group but at home we usually leave him bare bum.

For a while he did just pee anytime anything covered him but this has lessened as the months have went on and he now only has accidents if out and about playing and too distracted to tell me. At home now I have him in his pants and moved his potty into the toilet to get him used to taking himself so he does that now and is taking his pants down but needs some help pulling up again.

So it was a gradual thing for us but he has went from not telling me to at least telling me when I ask or if he's at home and nursery he takes himself. At the weekend we got him a toilet topper to match his Thomas potty and I caught him going in and putting it on and he climbs on his step but again needs help getting off.

His nursery pans are tiny so that has helped the adjustment from potty to toilet. They are quite big and frightening at first so go with what you think LO will be nore comfortable with.

Try at home bare bum and watch for toilet ques like touching at their bits or dancing or hiding... guide them prompt then praise, we used to do a wee song pee pee in the potty when he did it so got all excited. And perhaps if he's not taking himself to the potty eventually you could try placing him on it every 30 minutes. I find morning is easiest to get them on the potty. We still use a nappy at night so as soon as J is awake we whip off the nappy and he's in pants and after his morning milk he will take himself to the toilet about half hour after it. Then we take him to nursery and go from there. But at first we would place him on after his milk with cartoons on and he couldn't be bothered moving and would eventually pee.

It is a gradual thing, be patient as LO can sense frustration if your no further forward in a month perhaps have a break and try him a couple month later.

Sorry for the big post but there is hope. I was so frustrated at first but it's about finding what works for you both until he's able to fully understand when he needs as for best part of their life theyv never needed to think about sensation etc. Its a jg step. But I've never met a kid that didn't grasp it in the end.

Good luck.

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I read somewhere that if they aren't progressing after 5 full days then they aren't ready and you need to stop and go back to it in a few weeks.

I absolutely loathed toilet training. Good luck.


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I'd really recommend not relying on them telling you to begin with. Every hour for the first few days I prompted my eldest to use the potty. Also I would tell him to go before we went out, went when we arrived, went before we left to go home and went as soon as we got home. It took a week or two before we were at the stage I could rely on him to tell me without prompted.
Thanks for the responses so far, much appreciate you taking time out to share your experiences. Day 4 do far we have had no accidents so far so getting better . Thanks for the tips so far I remember your posts carnat22 now you mention it. I think I will loathe this journey too.
I was actually surprised how quickly he picked it up. The first few weeks were a nightmare because I was getting frustrated but once I just let go he was fine.

I really dreaded weaning and that turned out fine.

Thankfully - we have only had one poop accident, in the hall he came in and told us after lmao que OH having to go out and clean the random wee jobby left in the hall :rofl:


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