Postpartum recovery


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Feb 19, 2021
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I have some questions for all you experienced moms about what to expect in the postpartum recovery period.

For those of you that had a vaginal delivery and tore during delivery, how intense was your pain and how long did it take for you to notice improvement and then feel like yourself again?

Did you lose your pregnancy weight, and if so, how long did it take? For those of you that had a flat stomach before pregnancy, did you ever return to that, and if so, how long did that take?

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to help the recovery process along, both in regards to regaining fitness and getting back down to pre-pregnancy weight, as well as healing a vaginal tear?

I'm only two weeks postpartum so I definitely don't expect to be recovered by now, and I'm not. I've lost 20 lbs already since the birth, but just in baby and water weight. I still have another 20 lbs to go. My belly is a lot smaller than it was but I still look about 5-6 months pregnant. I'm in quite a lot of pain from the tearing. I had to have surgery on Thursday to re-repair it because I ripped out my stitches the first time. I haven't felt any improvement with that yet.

I had severe tearing down below, LO really did a number on me! It took about 4 weeks before I could sit comfortably and I’d say 8 weeks for it to be not sore / tight when walking and going to toilet etc.. it was painful to have sex up until 8 months PP but to be honest still is abit as I require further surgery to rectify the incorrect stitching I received!

I was 14st 2 before baby.. 15st through my pregnancy at the later end and then back to 14st 2 a week after I gave birth.. I started dieting 3 months ago and now weigh 12st 10 but I wouldn’t say that was baby weight! My stomachs never been firm but I now have an ‘apron’ when I bend over haha which I think will always be wobbly & stretch marks!

spritz for bits was a god send for my firey bits! And those cooling sanitary towels which you crack and they get nice and cold on your bits, whilst absorbing the blood! I had to get bathed 3 times a day as I couldn’t bare to blast it with the shower - not sure if that helped!

No advice on loosing baby weight but don’t stress it! Having a newborn is exhausting! Wait till they’re a couple of months older and you’re in a good routine then you can focus on you time! Because the first few months are sooooo hard!! Xxxx
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I don't have any personal experience with this as I gave birth via C-section. I strongly recommend you see a physiotherapist that specialises in the pelvic floor. Sounds like you had a significant tear so you will need some pelvic floor muscle education and tissue mobilisation around the scar to get the best result. Goodluck!
I had a small tear with my first but it was internally and only felt sore for the first 2 weeks or so. I can't imagine how debilitating it must be for you! I hope you recover quickly but as with every surgery, I think it can take up to 6 weeks for it to heal.

I felt normal again after having had sex with the oh again 6 weeks pp. It was very gentle and intimate and I realised I was more scared of the pain than the actual pain.

As for the baby weight, it flew off while breastfeeding. I'm not sure if you are, but if you are, it burns so many calories that you will lose it in no time.

Otherwise, I found eating healthily and avoiding sugar was a real weight killer.
I didn't avoid all carbs, like I would eat eggs with veggies, cheese and 2 pieces of brown bread in the morning, a snack like a yogurt at 11, then lunch would be 200g of chicken or beef or whatever with a salad, and a small portion of carbs (baked potatoes, rice, pasta), then later a protein shake or bowl of soup as a "snack".
In the evening, again a protein with loads of veggies and a small portion of carbs. Then when we would watch TV, I'd have a clementine or an apple.
It was really hard to go over your calories when you only eat healthy stuff. I could eat soooo much when I was on that diet!

Hope you find the right one which works for you!x
Thanks everyone, for sharing your experiences. It gives me hope that there's an end in sight for this horrible crotch pain! I had a doctor's appointment today and had a discussion about pain management. Having a plan makes me feel a bit better about the whole thing too.

When I talked to the doctor today, he said my tear isn't deep, but it was a complex tear and will take a few more weeks before I notice improvement. I'm disappointed I got torn up like this. It makes it tough to enjoy this time with my baby when I have trouble sitting to hold and feed her comfortably.

I still have a few of those disposable ice packs. I'll make a point to use them over the next few days and see if that helps. The doctor did recommend warm baths or shower spray at least twice daily. I'm doing my best to squeeze in twice a day warm water but it's tough caring for baby Ros by myself for most of the day and night. The shower sprayer doesn't bother me too much. We don't have great water pressure in my house and this is the only instance in which I appreciate that! lol

The physiotherapist idea is a really good one! I will look into that!

Since I started this thread, I lost another 3 lbs. I'm not directly breastfeeding, but I am pumping and bottle feeding exclusively breast milk. I'm currently producing a lot of milk just pumping, more than what my baby is eating, so my freezer is fast filling up with milk storage bags. That really does seem to be an effective way to shed the pounds! I was heavier before the pregnancy than I wanted to be. I started out at 176 lbs and weighed in at 216 lbs right before delivery. I'm currently 193 lbs. I had ankle surgery last fall and gained a lot of weight being more sedentary than usual during that recovery and never got back down to my desired weight before getting pregnant. I'd like to get down to at least 150 lbs. Hopefully breastfeeding, portion control, and making healthy choices will get me there!

A nurse gave me an exercise to do to help with the abdominal muscles. I may look up more of those in the coming months and see if there's anything else I can do to firm up my pudgy belly.
Thanks everyone, for sharing your experiences. It gives me hope that there's an end in sight for this horrible crotch pain! I had a doctor's appointment today and had a discussion about pain management. Having a plan makes me feel a bit better about the whole thing too.

When I talked to the doctor today, he said my tear isn't deep, but it was a complex tear and will take a few more weeks before I notice improvement. I'm disappointed I got torn up like this. It makes it tough to enjoy this time with my baby when I have trouble sitting to hold and feed her comfortably.

I still have a few of those disposable ice packs. I'll make a point to use them over the next few days and see if that helps. The doctor did recommend warm baths or shower spray at least twice daily. I'm doing my best to squeeze in twice a day warm water but it's tough caring for baby Ros by myself for most of the day and night. The shower sprayer doesn't bother me too much. We don't have great water pressure in my house and this is the only instance in which I appreciate that! lol

The physiotherapist idea is a really good one! I will look into that!

Since I started this thread, I lost another 3 lbs. I'm not directly breastfeeding, but I am pumping and bottle feeding exclusively breast milk. I'm currently producing a lot of milk just pumping, more than what my baby is eating, so my freezer is fast filling up with milk storage bags. That really does seem to be an effective way to shed the pounds! I was heavier before the pregnancy than I wanted to be. I started out at 176 lbs and weighed in at 216 lbs right before delivery. I'm currently 193 lbs. I had ankle surgery last fall and gained a lot of weight being more sedentary than usual during that recovery and never got back down to my desired weight before getting pregnant. I'd like to get down to at least 150 lbs. Hopefully breastfeeding, portion control, and making healthy choices will get me there!

A nurse gave me an exercise to do to help with the abdominal muscles. I may look up more of those in the coming months and see if there's anything else I can do to firm up my pudgy belly.

I feel your pain on your tear! My little girl left me with a W shaped flap (my internal vagina wall).. a grade 2 perineal tear and labial tear. The pain will subside it may just take a couple of months! Like I said it took me about 4 weeks just to be able to kind of sit comfortably and try not too do too much whilst your healing (harder said than done!) maybe get one of those haemorrhoid rings to sit on so your bits aren’t coming into contact with anything, they’re supposed to be really good! I found using a thinner maternity pad helped too.. I used the lil-let ones, other ones I tried were soo bulky and pressed against my bits!

If you’re in the UK they won’t refer you for physio unless you’re incontinent, which sucks! Well that’s what I got told when I asked about it because 8 months on my front bum is still painful when having sex and feels very tight when sat on a toilet etc!

hope you start to feel better soon! Xxx
I feel your pain on your tear! My little girl left me with a W shaped flap (my internal vagina wall).. a grade 2 perineal tear and labial tear. The pain will subside it may just take a couple of months! Like I said it took me about 4 weeks just to be able to kind of sit comfortably and try not too do too much whilst your healing (harder said than done!) maybe get one of those haemorrhoid rings to sit on so your bits aren’t coming into contact with anything, they’re supposed to be really good! I found using a thinner maternity pad helped too.. I used the lil-let ones, other ones I tried were soo bulky and pressed against my bits!

If you’re in the UK they won’t refer you for physio unless you’re incontinent, which sucks! Well that’s what I got told when I asked about it because 8 months on my front bum is still painful when having sex and feels very tight when sat on a toilet etc!

hope you start to feel better soon! Xxx

Thanks and yes, I do have one of those inflatable donuts to sit on! It's great! I wouldn't be able to sit on my wooden dining chairs without it! Thankfully I haven't been bleeding much. This postpartum bleeding is tamer than most of my periods so I've just been using regular, thin pads. It's great not to need something super bulky, but I do think the area is getting irritated because wearing a pad all the time doesn't allow it to breathe. ugh.
What helped me so much when it was sore, was to wet a sanitary napkin or maternity pad, stuffed into the freezer for a few hours, then placed in your undies... Heavenly bliss!! Make a few of them so you can keep cool down there!x

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