Possibly 11 weeks pregnant. Still negative HPT -.-


Nov 26, 2011
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My last NORMAL period was 4th-9th September/11. During that time, my boyfriend and I had used condoms as contraception, however, I think one or two times he entered breifly without a condom. (I'm not 100% sure! I honestly cannot remember)

On the 1st Oct/11, I started another period. This lasted until the 10th. I was due for my period on the 1st, and normally it lasts 5-6 days; not 9 or 10. Another thing that made me think was the fact that I could have easily used 1 light pad for the entire duration of that 'period'.

The week after spotting, I started sleeping a lot more. I'd be in bed by 9 or 10 (at the latest) and wake up to my alarm (normally 7, depending on the day) still tired, even on the days I woke up at 11. I'm still doing it, it's not as frequent, but most days I will do it.

Then I started getting sickness. So I went out and got a digital home pregnancy test. I peed in a pot and followed the instructions. 'Not Pregnant'. I threw the stick in the bin, only for my boyfriend to pick it up and notice a faint second blue line. This got my hopes up again.

I found out that digital HPT work different to normal HTP, and the lines meant nothing. The sickness and tiredness carried on, my breast started getting tender too. The area around my nipples are ever so slightly darker and the veins keep changing how visible they are. My gums had been bleeding more and more often I've found blood on tissues affter wiping my nose.

I've been farting and burping a lot, too. I'm also constipated, which is really quite bugging me.

My appatite disappeared, and I've lost a stone since the beginning of October. It's coming back now, the past couple of days I've been eating almost non-stop and it feels like I haven't eaten all day.

I'm just over 3 weeks late for this period that was suppose to be here on the 4th November/11. I'm not panicing or stressed or anything, I just constantly want sleep.

Everything is setting me off at the moment. I got home from visiting my dad today and started crying, and crying then laughing and the crying and now I'm fine. Some days, I wake up crying.

I tried a second digital HTP 2 days ago, also negative.

By my calculations, I'm about 11 weeks or less pregnant. I don't want to go to my doctor just yet, because I don't like to hassle him..

Someone help!
hi, you defintely wouldnt be wasting your gps time!! I think a simple hcg blood test would give you a 100% yes or no answer. phone up your gp on monday and get seen, even if it turns out you are not pg, you need to get these synptoms looked at. good luck.
I totally agree that u shud go to your docs tomoz and get a blood test they will not think u are wasting there time at all and u need sum answers, fx you get sum.

Michelle. x
I know you say you're not stressed, but it could be that the stress of your period not starting iykwim, is delaying it starting. I would think that a test would show a line if you were 3 months pregnant, but the best way to know for sure is to go to the doctors and get a blood test.

Hope you get the answer you want :)

I'm a bit confused. You said you bought a digi and it said 'not pregnant' but ur OH looked at it later and there was a second line?? So was it a digi or not? Digi's don't have lines...or maybe I am mistaken?

Either way, I would defo go to the docs. You need to know 1 way or the other.

Good luck x

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I think you have every pregnancy symptom known to man!!! I am pregnant and have not as many as you Hun. You need to go to your go as something doesn't seem right x
I would also try testing with a normal test not a digi and then see your gp!
@Jayjay, there are lines on the stick you insert, but they don't mean anything :)

@Mrs.S, thanks :) i checked the interwesticles and found out that digital pregnancy tests aren't as sensitive as line test, so I'm off out to buy one now.

@Everyone else, if this test is a negative, I shall go to my doctors next week. I'm going to take the test at the weekend, because my period is due on the 1st and if I don't get it then I will test.

Shall keep this thread updated, for anyone else with problems like me :)
I thought you were already 3 weeks late? I'm confused sorry I don't understand how you think you are 11 weeks pregnant. I really don't want to seem rude x
If you have already missed at least 1 if not 2 AF then you don't really need to wait until weekend before testing as AF technically isn't due on 1st.
I've missed 1 period and one was funny, deffinately not right. My mum said something about waiting until my next period would be due because it's more accurate or something. I'll take it tomorrow morning, if there's no difference. Sorry, this will be my first child, and i'm new to all these pregnancy test rule etc :)
I'm sorry for any confusion!
I took a First Response test this morning. Negative. But I also had some bleeding, so I think I may have just had a chemical pregnancy or my mind decided to play tricks on me.. :(
The bleeding was more of a browny colour and it wasn't much, but it was there.
Hi... think I would speak to gp hun, if you think there was a chance you were that far along, but something isn't 'right' so to speak it could be a missed miscarriage or something. It does seem a strange situation and you defo wouldn't be wasting gp time xxx
@Maria, thank you :) i'll phone him tomorrow morning and get an appointment for asap.
Let us know how you get on hun, wish you all the best xxx

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