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possible misscarriage


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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I have had slight cramping in the lower part of my belly for the past 3 or 4 days now today i go to the rest room and have pink on the paper when i wipe. nothing has stained my panties... I am not any more uncomfortable than i have been for the past few days. just slight back ache and af like cramps ... please some one help me. Dr. says to gohome and rest with feet up. I really want this baby. I hope that it isn't m/c. any advice or suggestions.
Hi L

Im no expert but I experienced very similar symptons to you at around 6,7,and 8 weeks but with bleeding - I had 3 scans in the end. I wont say try not to worry because its bloody awful not knowing whats going on, but to reassure you that this can happen to some women and they still go on to have normal healthy pregancies.

Have you got an EPU near you (early preganancy unit)? the maternity hospitals usually have one. Insist to your doctor you want a scan (exagerrate your symptons if you have to) to check all is ok.

Im sorry I cant be much more help, but I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. Let me know how you get on.

L x
Thanks for that. i woke up this morning and only have a slight brownish color but no more red bleeding. or pinkish i should say. Sorry TMI!!! My OH cryed almost all night because he was sure that he had lost his baby. He kept saying its my fault for arguing all the time with you. i kept telling him not to worry because it wasn't over yet and we still have hope. Seems that way anyhow.

So sorry to hear about all the stress you're having.

I had brown bleeding on and off for the first 10 weeks and then a few more spots after that. Mine was to do with the position of my placenta - the very end part was over my cervix and hadn't attached properly.

Can you have a scan?? I got one really quickly when I called my midwife and told her.

Tell your OH not to feel so bad. Loads of people argue at the beginning of pregnancy - it's an emotional and hormonal time for everyone. Although stress isn't brilliant for the baby I think it would take more than a few arguments to do any damage.

Hope it gets better for you and get demanding a scan.

Take care
With my first baby who is 4 now, the doctor found traces of blood in my urine but never had any bleeding. I do not know of any epu in my area. Like i said they will not do any scans until they determin there is a problem. My insurance (state medicaid) will not cover what they deam"just beecause scans" I hate it, i want some reassurance.
Sorry you are having such a stressful time, I suggest you really do put your feet up and wait it out. If the bleeding has stopped that is a good sign as I had spotting at 6 weeks yet scan showed all ok and healthy heartbeat, however i started bleeding [brown then pink then very red] and suffered a complete miscarriage the following week.

Don't want to alarm you as it sounds as if the bleeding has eased off which means all is well.. if bleeding gets worse or you see any clots or blood gets fresher [more red] and thicker you must go to your GP and he / she will have you admitted to the hospital for scan.

They told me scan not possible but my GP admitted me to hospital and had scan and internal later the same day and spent total of 12 hours in hospital.. and under the horrific circumstances it was not good news for me but I was glad I was there with the experts who were very nice to me.

good luck and like I said.. relax, do nothing, try to think positive and give it time.. if symptoms get worse demand to see dr or just turn up at your local hospital and demand to see someone..

take care and hope all is well - sorry if my story has worried you but I really think your bleeding is just implantation etc as this can still occur up to 10 weeks!!! think positive +++
thanks for the encouraging words. I am very worried because my husband and i really want this baby. He says if we lose this one then he doens't want to try and have anymore. He lost one a few years ago with another woman. (before me and him) He says "maybe somthing is wrong with me" I keep telling him it isn't anything we did. I just keep telling him we still have hope.
How are you today?

I understand your husband's concerns.. my partner had a mc with his previous girlfriend and now one with me.. but I have had 2 in the past before him so we have had blood tests done to check chromosonal problems with both of us so that he can put his mind at rest..

Whatever happens don't give up..
yesterday night i had some more light red spotting but again today nothing... OH is having his own problems. Now he tells me that how can he love me when he doesn't feel good about himself right now. He is going through this pitty party and depressed state right now. I think he is missing his family it has been over a year since he has seen them. I just do not pay any attention when he talks like that. but it kinda hurts, I just keep telling my self that he is just upset. But it keeps going through my head "how can we be having a kid together and he doesn't have feelings for me. How can he be married to me and not have feelings for me?" I think i am just letting his sorrow affect me. i still have hope.
Maybe your hubby is as scared and worried as you and that means [as a bloke!] his thought processes will not be as logical or rational as us women. We are able to cope with stressful waiting situations whereas men feel the need to resolve everything so if they cannot find a solution or solve the problem they are thrown into disarray....

Don't be too upset by it but don't ignore him either, try to get him to talk openly about what really is behind his pain.. is he afraid and no doubt he feels as responsible as you do for this child and that is stressful. Does he talk to his family by tel if he cannot see them.. maybe he needs to see friends etc to help him express whatever his concerns really are.

Give each other lots of hugs and reassurance.. whatever will be will be and there is nothing either of you can do so you must love and care for each other so that you both [especially YOU] are relaxed so to give your little bean a chance.
Think positive...
He does talk to them by telephone. He is here from Cozumel, Mexico. So he can not come and go freely he misses them terribbly but he talks to them at least 3-4 times a week. He has never lived outside of his mother's home until he lived with me. So this is a change and i think it has just taken this long to hit him that he has responsiblities. He is trying to grow up but i think he is having a hard time dealing with the fact that somthing has been given to him and might be taken away. He also doesn't understand how i can cook and clean i toldhim it is the only thing that takes my mind off what might be happening. Cause if i just lay there i end up crying which isn't any better for me either. Hell i do not know what to think. MY world is slowly being turned upside down and i feel like I am losing touch with my self. You ever feel like you are on the outside looking in. Maybe it is just all the emotions running together. who knows. anyways thanks for listening. big hugs to you all.
I know what you mean about keeping busy and occupying your mind of other things.. its the only way to get through stressful times.

Please don't worry - take it easy and keep a journal of all your symptoms and bleeding, cramps etc.. if the bleeding & or cramps get worse then go to the nearest hospital for a scan or call the midwife you are registered with / doctor etc... but maybe the bleeding will stop by itself. Many people bleed throughout pregnancy and go on to have healthy babies :)

take care of you and little bump... your husband will hopefully relax if you are.. strength together is important at testing times like these.

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