Possible CMPA


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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So after weeks and weeks of trying to guess what was wrong with LO we got to the GP today and my LO is now a possible cmpa.

He has a rash and dry skin on his face which he rubs at and is worse after feeding.

We have been given aptimel pepti to trial. He's only had one feed and was unsettled. BUT hisrash was nowhere near as bad.

Anyone know how long your wee one took to respond to this. We might need to move to the cows milk free milk but GP has says to give it until tomorrow before phoning to update. I'm just nervous tomorrow isn't really enough time?

Anyone used this milk?

If you suspect cmpa I'd move straight onto the appropriate milk. It can take up to 6 weeks for the dairy to leave his system so the sooner you switch the better really imo. Hope wee fella is ok!

My lo was trialled on Aptimel Pepti and I was told you have to try it for a few weeks to see if it's working, GP insisted on about 6 weeks. We then moved onto Puramino for another 6-8 weeks. It can take quite a while for milk proteins to leave the body (weeks not days). In the end despite all this my lo didn't have cmpa xx
I don't think she thought it was like a miraculous cure but she says like if it's helping or making the difference. Hard to say as I only started it today but he's still unsettled and windy but his rash and eczema have cleared. So less CMP deffo has helped.

Shes only given me a small tub and I was to phone back but he brought the house down tonight so I had to put the gaviscon back in and he seems a bit better so she also mentioned trying ranitadine as the gaviscon is constipating him.

Obviously if it is an allergy then the reflux will subside hopefully or get betterwith the change in milk. He is less congested too.

I didn't suspect it at all tbf but nothing else is working and actually his face is quite red blotchy during and after feeds so it is pointing that way. I'll update tomorrow once I've spoken to gp. She may well just keep him on the pepti and give ranitadine to see how the milk does but he's still finding it hard to digest atm.

Thanks for your replies.


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